2291 Tasting Notes
Dry, and steeping, it smells like sweet candy. If you’ve ever had a Japanese instant ume drink, you’ll know what I mean. It’s plum, but it’s not like the plum I’m used to.
Drinking it, there isn’t a lot of flavour. It’s fruity, a little sweet-tart like sour candies. I was concerned about oversteeping it, but maybe I should have left it a little longer.
I got this when I visited Sil, and I’m glad to have tried it. I think VariaTEA is the one who dropped this one off. :)
Via MissB and probably Sil. Thank you!
There is licorice in this. Sigh. A lot of these herbal teas have licorice. Thankfully it is just a strong dislike and not something I shouldn’t be drinking.
Smells strongly of lemon and ginger. Both lemon peel and juice, which is nice. And more strongly of lemon than ginger. I added some honey to offset any potential sickly flavours from the licorice.
Hmm. It’s not bad but whoa the licorice sweetness is out of this world. I’d prefer if it were just the lemony and gingery flavours.
Oh well. Thanks so much for letting me try this one! I always hope that they’ll work, and sometimes they do.
Red licorice isn’t real licorice Sil omg!!! :P It’s strawberry or cherry flavoured stuff. Hahaha. I adore black licorice but I can’t eat it. Haven’t found a good gluten free one yet.
Oh gosh, double zout is my favorite! OMG I’m almost positive Whole Foods has a gluten/grain -free black licorice. Glad you liked the tea though, kinda sorta, this was a night time mainstay while I was in the UK.
Mmm double salted licorice. :) I’ve seen one at whole foods, MissB, but it was a soft bar and the texture was really unappealing. Grainy from the rice flour they used. I’ll have to check for different kinds.
SAY WHAT?!?! They didn’t have this in store when I was there!!! https://www.squishcandies.com/en_ca/products/1613-Gluten-Free-Black-Licorice
Huh. This is a puerh? I totally forgot about that.
This is really nice. My sample from MissB (Thank you!!) had a LOT of mint leaves in it, and I’m not the hugest fan of mint… but it works really well in this tea. It’s smooth and creamy and quite dark. I added some milk to it, and it’s really nice.
I wouldn’t ever want more than a sample, because of the mint, but I’m super glad I felt minty today and decided to try it!
In other news, I’m cooking for the week with what’s in my house… so far I have Tikil Gomen and rice. Soon I will have bread-like substance (if it turns out, gluten free bread is fickle) flavoured with cardamom and garlic. :)
Smells SOOOOO good!
I saw a talk about oolong teas by Jenny Lo yesterday, and had to pick up a couple teas to try. They had some 10g sample sizes, which made me really happy… although I possibly should have bought more of this one. It smells SO GOOD!
I’m steeping in my ~120-ish ml kyusu (of course), and used about 1/3 of the packet. The rest of it will be going to a friend.
I’m just steeping till it “looks right”, so the first was about 30 seconds or so.
My frog army is enjoying the taste as well. ;) https://www.instagram.com/p/-ZRPqyx5Cs/
This tea is delicious. It’s not quite as sweet or honey like as I was expecting, but it is a really solid tea. At 30 seconds you get some sweetness, the maltiness, a touch of astringency. Yum.
The only cure for a tea hangover is more tea.
I tried ALL THE TEAS today.
Noteworthy teas:
The Chinese Tea Shop
Capilano Tea House
- Hiking the Canyon (SO GOOD)
- Warm Grey (I think? Amazing Assam based EG with lavender)
Oollo Teas
- Baozhong
- Red Jade
Cultivate Teas
- 2012 Sheng
- Rougui Oolong
Crimson Lotus
- Everything, seriously. I loved the way they set up with the giant tree stump table and all the tea sharing.
It was better organized than I was expecting, TBH. Lots of vendors that weren’t on the website. Crimson Lotus had a great corner setup with an amazing tasting table. Other tea shops were sharing their table with other groups which wasn’t as ideal, but I did get what I was looking for. I only went a little over budget with extra frogs, and some oolongs from Oollo. :)
Had to have them today, after seeing some on Instagram. I grandpa styled them, but only got 2 steeps in. I’ll have to have more tomorrow, since they’re not done yet.
And tomorrow is the tea festival. YES. I totally didn’t manage to do my Crimson Lotus order this morning (sadness) but I will bring cash moneys so I can pick up a few things.
Another review, even though it’s still the same chunk of leaves I’m working on. I have less than half the amount of leaf I started with, and I’m still flash steeping. But now… now it is good.
Sweet, grassy, a touch bitter. I’m really liking it now. Too bad I had so many troubles with it yesterday.
Actually really amazing as an eggnog latte.
I was scared the orange would curdle the milk, but it didn’t. Hahaha. :D
Edit: So I missed 2000, but I have reached 2016! That is a lot of teas. Especially since I don’t post about everything I drink because I’m lazy.
A sample via Dex from the April tea box!
My piece was like a rock. A rectangular rock. So I rinsed it long, twice. And let it sit a while between the rinses. Then I tried a 15 second steep. WOWSERS. That was strong!
It smells like sweet, bitter, flowers, and smoke. Interesting combination. Smoke being that tobacco scent that I find some puerh has.
Whoa. I’ve just dumped 18oz of this as not drinkable. :/
I am seriously flash steeping this. Water goes in, water comes out. It’s very bitter still, but starting to be drinkable. I think a few more steeps and it will mellow out into something my taste buds understand a bit more.
Hahaha. Ok. Over 1 litre later, I’ve removed some leaf.
It’s still way too much for me. It keeps promising sweetness in the smell, but then it’s just sharp, bitey sheng. Bleh.
Edit. Ok, ok. I removed over half the leaf. And now I’m flash steeping. 1.5 litres in. FINALLY the sweetness it was promising is starting to come through.
Tea should not be this hard.
Definitely mega overleafed. Go super easy. This was so packed I didn’t quite realize how much leaf there really was. My pot felt like it was exploding there’s so much leaf.
What a freaking kick! I’m going to be brewing it again tonight with yesterday’s leaves, as soon as my kettle heats. :)
This one didn’t work so well as an eggnog latte. I’m not sure if it’s that Irish Cream doesn’t go with eggnog, or if I made a HUGE mistake in buying the “light” eggnog.
Probably a huge mistake buying “light” eggnog.
This tea is actually amazing as a hot toddy. :) But my alcohol collection is nothing like Sil’s so I wasn’t able to indulge.
And I noticed that the light eggnog is 70% less fat, which is seriously terrible. Definitely need to go full out next time, keychange!
shush my tea collection is becoming jealous of my wine collection…thankfully neither is yet jealous of ian’s whiskey collection….yet.