I am still desperately trying to drink down my tea collection. I have maybe 2 servings left of this one.
I still adore it. These little balls of strong malty goodness. YUM. I’ll miss it when it’s done, but of course… I have other teas!
I think I’ve mostly narrowed down what I want to stock as far as black teas go.
- a good earl grey (still looking)
- masala chai (Chandernagor from MF, but $$$ so I might need to find a different one)
- orange pekoe/formosa black tea – from mom
- little balled up black tea – mom gives me one called Rungagora
- a lavender tea (Westholme, but the last batch is overwhelming so this might be swapped out)
- a russian caravan (Murchies is my fav still)
I feel like some of these ones are seasonal, and some will move in and out of favour. I haven’t narrowed down the non-caffeinated teas yet, or the puerh. :)
Hope everyone is doing well a year in! insert heart emoji here