I decided to try this one tonight since it’s been staring at me whenever I rummage through my sample bin.
After reading the few notes, I decided to do a super short rinse (maybe 5 seconds?) then a shorter steep. I’ll resteep this later.
After wetting them, I definitely get a cedar smell out of the buds. Not cedar chips, but crushed cedar green “leaf” part. It’s quite gentle. The steeped tea is barely greenish. But it tastes so nice.
It’s a little sweet, thick, a tiny bit green, with a hint of cedar. I like this one. Verdant’s is really piney, which is interesting, but I think I like this one better.
Thanks, Sil!
(1.5 tsp 12 oz)
I find the tree flavours bizarrely compelling. I never really crave them, yet I really enjoy drinking them.
I find the tree flavours bizarrely compelling. I never really crave them, yet I really enjoy drinking them.
I think that’s how I feel about them as well. Even super foresty/musty puerh teas… I love drinking them, but they’re not something I think about and reach for all the time.