Oh, hey. There’s mint in this tea. And I can’t actually tell! Weird.
Anyways, it smells like dessert. Spicy vanilla nut cake or something.
Sipping it, there’s a distinct coolness on the tongue. There’s the mint. Thankfully it’s not too strong. The other flavours are all kind of muddled up together, though. I think this is a tea that needs a little sugar, but since I’m not doing sugar right now (I guess I could have added some honey), I plopped in some homemade coconut creamer.
Hmm. Not bad. Not really a fantastic flavour to me either, though. That’s a little disappointing. It smelled SO cakey dry.
Oh well! I have Gingerbread, and I really like that one.
Edit: This one is from wheezybee. Thanks! :)
Oooh, this sounds delicious!
If you like mint, then maybe? :) It’s really not a favourite of mine.