345 Tasting Notes
So I guess this may be cheating but in effort to remove things from my cupboard so when I add my newer teas it does not seem out of control for me(still nothing compared to a lot of ya’ll) I’m finishing of teas I don’t have much left. Only problem is I’m having the worst seasonal allergies I recall ever having leaving me not able to do a fair review on this tea.
I received this as a sample when I ordered 200g of the famous EGC that I still have not sampled, opened or put in my cupboard.
It’s a good light bergamot Earl, I don’t need to add milk which is a good thing because I’m out and I probably don’t need the dairy right now. I know I enjoyed this in the past but don’t recall anything special about it.
This is a well balanced spiced chai. Some chais have too much of a certain spice that I don’t care for and I’m not sure what it is. I personally like it but my Chai loving husband was not impressed. I would get it again next time I’m at a Whole Foods that has it in a bulk bin in order to experiment more with it.
I don’t know what it is about EGC’s but I love them. When I first started trying various Earl Greys I thought I would prefer one over the other. I don’t, I just like them at different times.
If this tasted as good as the dry leaf it would be my favorite EGC, it smelled like marshmallows. It still taste good hot but better as it cools.
My favorite way to make this is cold brew and it is great. Cream vanilla and bergamot, cold and refreshing. I would get this sometime when I’m running low on EGC.
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Tasty roasted cereal. I added honey to see if it would taste like Honey Smack cereal and it does. If I thought I would drink it enough I would definitely order some I just will not add honey because I have not so great memories of that cereal from when I was a kid.
This is my first Houjicha and I’m glad I got a chance to try it.
Thanks bluebell for sharing.
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I was happy this tea made it to me in the box :) It sounded so good. It reminded me a little of Davids Sugar & Spice but not as spicy or sweet. I have to go by memory right now, I know I enjoyed it but not sure if I would order it, well maybe I would, not sure yet.
Thank you so much for sharing this tea Kat_Maria!
Maybe I cold brewed this a too long, 12+ hours. All I get is medicinal rooibos. I added some simple syrup and gave it to my son. He liked it. I asked him what it tasted like he said “sweet”. I asked to be more specific “a little bit like cantaloupe and cherries”. I thought that was weird and decided to try it again and in strange way I do kind of get ripe cantaloupe with it sweetened with simple syrup.
Thanks carol_who!
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My son and I both liked this even though I messed this one up. I think I was afraid of the grapefruit being too sour and may have under leafed this when I cold brewed it or maybe I should have left it in longer. It smelled and tasted like grapefruit but very light and no puckering. I think when I try this again I will do a normal iced brew because I don’t like the idea of hot grapefruit.
Thanks Kat_Maria for sharing your RiverTea :)