I had planned to start off my morning with a cup of DAVIDsTEA’s Pumpkin Chai, but when I woke up this morning and opened the curtains the weather was just so utterly glorious that I had to pick out a suitably summery tea to match the day. This is a refreshing, relaxing tea I’ve always loved and I thought of it straight away. It definitely hit the spot, and even my mam really enjoyed this one! Spearmint and white tea up front in the sip, with a lingering green tea and jasmine aftertaste, I bet this would make a fantastic cold brew. As we edge more into summer weather here I’m tempted to try it.
I just went and found my original tasting note on this tea to compare how I felt then to how I do now, and it was written at quite a hard time in my life, and I was using Steepster as a sort of free therapy (which tea still is to me!). It’s difficult reading about the difficulties I had then and being transported back to that feeling of helplessness, but at the same time it feels good to realise how far I’ve came, even if I still have a ways to go. My fantastic boyfriend has definitely been the biggest change in my life. He believes in me more than anyone else ever has, and I know it was him who gave me the strength to believe in myself and go back to university to finish my degree, which is what I’m doing now. I have a new outlook on life, new aims and a new career goal and for the first time in a long time I feel like I’m working towards a specific goal in my life rather than wandering through it aimlessly. I’ve stopped comparing myself to others and learned to just focus on me. I wasn’t expecting all that self-reflection this morning, but I guess that’s what this tea brings out in me! And yes, my feelings about the tea are still the same, even though it was a very small proportion of the tasting note! Maybe next time I write about this tea I’ll manage to do it without getting deep…
I’m glad things are better for you now than they were. :D And this is definitely one of the teas I think of when I think of SUMMER.
Thank you! I hadn’t even realised things were so much better now until I looked back on my old notes. It kind of crept up on me! (: And yes, I think this is a tea I’ll always keep around for that reason. As soon as the sunny weather hits I think of it immediately!
Nattie: get deep all you want! What a wonderful encouragement to read your note! May things continue to just go up and up and better and better for you!
I’m glad things are better for you now than they were. :D And this is definitely one of the teas I think of when I think of SUMMER.
Thank you! I hadn’t even realised things were so much better now until I looked back on my old notes. It kind of crept up on me! (: And yes, I think this is a tea I’ll always keep around for that reason. As soon as the sunny weather hits I think of it immediately!
Nattie: get deep all you want! What a wonderful encouragement to read your note! May things continue to just go up and up and better and better for you!
No secret that we love it here as much for the therapy as we do for the tea :)
@Ashmanra – Thank you so much! It’s nice to have people here who care <3
@Gmathis – I think the two go hand in hand (: