drank Pu-erh Vanilla Mint by Rishi Tea
38 tasting notes

Of course this isn’t great shou… I’d be really sad for someone to waste good shou in a blend like this, but you know what? It’s cheap CHOCOLATEY shou so I am still happy… it is also not vanilla mint… so if you go in expecting anything from the name of this tea you will be a sad panda.

Now let’s talk about what this tea is… with a little bit of vanilla almond milk at the end this tea is chocolate fennel more than anything… its desserty and a treat before bed that won’t keep you up all night.

Rishi has new green tins that were too cute not to pick up from Wegmans.

You want a cheap cuppa chocolate that has a decent resteep value for something so cheap? Try some of this. If you want something to curb a hot chocolate craving, get some of this. If you want to try a weird blend that smells good… get some of this. If you are like me and tend to forget your teas brewing because you are used to gongfu and want something forgiving for a cheap thrill, this might be your thing.

If you are going in expecting this to be vanilla mint… go try some Tippy’s Minted Monkey instead. If you are going into this hoping for some good ripe puerh, hit up Crimson Lotus or one of the many other pu erh vendors on Steepster.

But just know, as I was drinking this I would not have guessed it was so lowly rated on steepster… I would never have bought it if I had looked first, but I am very glad I did.

Flavors: Chocolate, Fennel, Vanilla


Phi — I almost skipped your review due to the name of the tea, but am now glad I read it. It actually sounds interesting.


Yah… I actually looked it up and the second ingredient in chocolate shells :P so that explains a lot.

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Phi — I almost skipped your review due to the name of the tea, but am now glad I read it. It actually sounds interesting.


Yah… I actually looked it up and the second ingredient in chocolate shells :P so that explains a lot.

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