Spoiler Alert! :) Happy Valentine’s Day, and The Day of Zero Sleep for MissB. I’ve been up all night, and will likely need to stay up a few more hours at least to deal with straggler media outlets for the day, and then, finally, I can sleep. Woot!
As for the spoiler: this is part of Amoda’s February box, and I just had to drink it today (it seemed fitting). If I forget to review this now, I likely will just forget altogether, as I have a good handful of teas I’ve had the past few days. It’s a bit of a blur…
Interesting brewing instructions for this one: 40-50 second steeps, 208F, 1 tbsp per 8 oz cup. Well, I deviated somewhat, because of how much was allotted for the most part: 1 tbsp for 12 oz. and a 50 second steep. It brews up surprisingly fast and with a yellowish-green tinge, and with a wonderful green tea jasmine scent.
It tastes differently than I expected. Something floral (jasmine?), something with depth (cocoa?), I almost want to say uncooked pu-er too, and then doubt myself. There’s also something granular about the tea, something that stays in my mouth after the sip. It’s a weird tea, in a good way though – I need to play with this a bit and see how it evolves over the re-steeps.