I think this is what I’m drinking. With my huge haul of tea today, I decided I should probably hold off on all of the caffeinated Mariage Freres goodness and dive into all of the smaller size decaf blends from DAVID’s that I grabbed today. This was the first one that grabbed me, because I really need some extra spice right now to continue slaying the chest cold in record time.
Dry, the smell surprised me. Coconut spice chai? Intriguing. For some reason I thought the coco in this was cocoa instead of coconut.
Steeped, it smells the same, if a bit of an odd coconut smell. The flavor seems a bit off too, a bit chemical-y perhaps, or the cardamom is reacting somehow with the coconut. It’s nice, buttery, spicy and pleasant, I’m just.. loving other stuff more. Have @ 1.5tsp left, so this may go into the swap or gift box.