The roofers started at 6 am, and the cleaning lady is here. She’s really loud – one of those people who only has one volume. I think by the time they both leave today we will all be ready for bed.

I wasn’t willing to gamble this morning and needed something reliable and strong. This was my choice. Save me snails!


How much longer are the roofers going to be?

I remember many years ago when we had a very snowy early December, and then things warmed up, but not really. By the last week of December, the snow melt had iced in the gutters and we had really, really bad ice dams in them. Really bad. And then it warmed back up some, and the roof and insulation at the apartment we were living in was pretty…well, it was an apartment, so they didn’t care about my heating bills. And as the snow melted, it flooded the dammed up gutters and we had water POURING into our apartment. We were on the second floor and it was bad, but the woman living below us literally had a waterfall for a doorwall. So they hired someone to take the gutters off the buildings. Good idea. Except that they showed up at 7am on a Sunday and used sledge hammers to remove them. And they started in the corner of the building right over my bedroom. That was miserable.


I wish I had a cleaning lady! I don’t mind cleaning floors and most of the bathroom…my pet peeve is scrubbing the grout in the shower stall. Absolutely HATE doing that for some reason.


It’s something I had to do, since I work from home I really need to be off in my house instead of always working in the house, or ON the house. She’s not too expensive either. She comes every other week and does the heavy stuff, floors, bathrooms, etc. $70.


That’s not as bad as I thought it would be price wise. I guess I’d rather have a gardener though. Weedeating and mowing in this heat is the absolute worst. Maybe when I pay off my car :)


Well, we have that too.


:) living the dream :)


My house isn’t yet ready for someone to come in and clean, if that makes sense. I need to actually have things put away, I think, to get someone to come and clean.


I can’t wait to get more of this tea. I just love it!

Tommy Toadman

The Snails are soo yummy, we love this one, we just ran out of it and I just ordered some more :)


LOL send up the snail signal :)


Hahaha!!! Too cute, mj

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How much longer are the roofers going to be?

I remember many years ago when we had a very snowy early December, and then things warmed up, but not really. By the last week of December, the snow melt had iced in the gutters and we had really, really bad ice dams in them. Really bad. And then it warmed back up some, and the roof and insulation at the apartment we were living in was pretty…well, it was an apartment, so they didn’t care about my heating bills. And as the snow melted, it flooded the dammed up gutters and we had water POURING into our apartment. We were on the second floor and it was bad, but the woman living below us literally had a waterfall for a doorwall. So they hired someone to take the gutters off the buildings. Good idea. Except that they showed up at 7am on a Sunday and used sledge hammers to remove them. And they started in the corner of the building right over my bedroom. That was miserable.


I wish I had a cleaning lady! I don’t mind cleaning floors and most of the bathroom…my pet peeve is scrubbing the grout in the shower stall. Absolutely HATE doing that for some reason.


It’s something I had to do, since I work from home I really need to be off in my house instead of always working in the house, or ON the house. She’s not too expensive either. She comes every other week and does the heavy stuff, floors, bathrooms, etc. $70.


That’s not as bad as I thought it would be price wise. I guess I’d rather have a gardener though. Weedeating and mowing in this heat is the absolute worst. Maybe when I pay off my car :)


Well, we have that too.


:) living the dream :)


My house isn’t yet ready for someone to come in and clean, if that makes sense. I need to actually have things put away, I think, to get someone to come and clean.


I can’t wait to get more of this tea. I just love it!

Tommy Toadman

The Snails are soo yummy, we love this one, we just ran out of it and I just ordered some more :)


LOL send up the snail signal :)


Hahaha!!! Too cute, mj

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Mom of two practically grown girls, extremely happily married to a man who is amused by my obsession with tea, and company owner who works from home. Life is good.

Likes/dislikes: I love black teas, especially strong/malty ones. I am ok with flavored teas if the base is strong. I like some whites. I really don’t like any tea that tastes “green” – if I wanted to drink something that tastes like green beans, I would cook some green beans. I am not big on green teas or genmaichas. I am learning to like puerhs.

If we are trading, I have a STRONG aversion to coconut, banana and licorice. I love citrus, vanilla and spice. Not a fan of florals.

Check out my blog!


Kentucky, drowning in tea.

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