A sipdown! (M: 1 Y: 41)
There are venodrs, which sparkled my interest several times; only to find they are from North America and shipping gets just crazy expensive. But when you’re doing swap, I get teas I wouldn’t try otherwise. This seems that isn’t the case, but it is still outside the EU. Thank you Courtney for this oolong.
I have prepared it twice, once in a tea pot for my family using 4 grams; and it was fine, though a bit astringent.
Today I prepared it for second time and using gongfu method and it is much better. I did steeps as suggested — 30, 40, 60 seconds and then 15 seconds increments.
I notice exactly what is mentioned on the baggie — “Vegetal upfront, sweet slightly unripe peach aftertaste”. Yes, it started a bit vegetal, but following steeps were sweeter and sweeter, with hints of astringency as described as slightly unripe peach. As I do prefer those peaches, it was perfect for me.
Last steeps were just grassy, green oolong in flavours, which weren’t bad, but alas, a bit boring.