The time has come for this Man, Gingerbread Man. Tomorrow he would celebrate his third birthday (pressing date).
I used a whole mini in my gaiwan and steeped with various steeping time. Mostly around 30 seconds, with rather small increments. I wasn’t totally focused to the tea this time, but this tea is rather forgiving.
There is a thick mouthfeel; strong dark shu flavours, and while it is not gingerbread in any way, it is rich and a kind of sticky. I can’t point out any particular flavours, but it made me feel cozy and it was warming me up.
Enjoyable and easydrinking shou and off any funky and off flavours. Definitely it was worth 80 cents I paid for it. Would I get more of this? Maybe… it’s not so expensive and it’s drinkable.
Sometimes a warm coziness is just what we need in our day! I have been finding it in some shou too, knowing I can just toss some leaf into the basket and get a reliable bit of pleasure from it. No thought needed, no subtle flavors or aromas to agonize about, just a warm cup of cheer while I watch some light TV.
Sometimes a warm coziness is just what we need in our day! I have been finding it in some shou too, knowing I can just toss some leaf into the basket and get a reliable bit of pleasure from it. No thought needed, no subtle flavors or aromas to agonize about, just a warm cup of cheer while I watch some light TV.