The TTB has arrived! So big, so many teas… no chance to try them all!
Tea #32
I needed again something simple before drinking something a bit distinctive. I believe today will be a gongfu evening of some tea…
Oolong + osmanthus, what could go wrong. Moreover Lupicia.
Well, it is just a sachet, but I am looking forward nevertheless. It was very good, flavourful, green-side oolong iwth floral notes, smooth and creamy, slightly vegetal… maybe as I have used boiling water. I could not notice much of osmanthus itself when hot, but when it was cooling down there were some stonefruits notes (maybe from oolong as well); namely savory apricots. The last sips were quite indeed fruity and enjoyable.
This one is a bit misleading because it’s not actually scented, it just has a natural flavor “similar to osmanthus”.
But it seems it is quite true to real osmanthus. Or at least I was thinking that.