Tried it again, this time as a cold-brew. Prepared yesterday evening, tried today afternoon. So I guess it is about 20 hours steep, with tap water used, in my family Frech press (volume 1 litre); moving up and down the strainer a few times.
I have to say it produced very refreshing and thirst quencher tea. Although it is not mango at all, it is nice herbal-fruity blend. Peach and stonefruits as of fruits. Herbals are mostly tulsi and rooibos, though the rooibos is making the base; but not overpowering the rest.
I agree with derk that it is somehow similar to “Impeachmint” tea. But it’s totally fine and for wwarm summer days it is perfect. Sadly, I have only 2 grams left and I am afraid it’s not enough for any other coldbrew. Thanks for the tea and suggestion derk!