Oh well. Those rapid temperature changes doesn’t make me feel well. I have in my office around 24 °C, outside is around 5°C, warehouse is heated somewhere between 20°C and 30°C. I was packing up the material with strech foil on Thursday, which is pretty much exhausting and I sweated a lot back then. So I was only in my T-shirt. But again, I was returning to the office going outside for a few minutes. So, temperature changes! My inner thermometer is broken. I feel hot sometimes, then I feel cold in a few minutes. Weird…
I feel having caving a common cold. So, home-made herbal tea comes into my mug.
It’s a blend of mint, salvia, lemon balm, mallow flowers, and noone knows in which ratio, nor how long it should be steeped. But it is helping all the time with this situation. Or, it won’t hurt. This year blend doesn’t have lavander flowers as the vintage I sent to derk a few years back. But I added a flower of mallow, fresh one and and fresh leaf of Coleus amboinicus which is called “cold-fighter plant” here. I must say it is actually helping.
Whole mug of a tea helped me for sure. I drank something hot, so I started sweating a bit and my throat was feeling better too. I will make another mug now.
PS: I am working for a month and a week now and it’s getting good. I have even official English name for my position and it’s Warehouse office technician which isn’t probably the best translation, but well… I can’t bring up better name.
I started to understand how things work there, we had a few tricky situations, now November will be very hard as we will have to ship lots of containers (four or five) all around the world. Those containers, are naturally going to be filled with hazmats.
I have even helped my boss with doing a presentation because of customer audit, translated his layout plan because he had a typo there and abbreviation that English-speaking people won’t understand. I feel like a member of a team already!
It sounds like it’s going so well at work – yay! I do hope some herbal teas help you to feel better, colds are no fun.
If there were more good workers like you, there might be fewer shipping problems on our side of the ocean! Your homemade get-well brew sounds wonderful as well.
Do you have any linden to add to your wellness tea? I looked up the coleus and it is known as Mexican Mint or French Thyme here. I have some French thyme from Penzey’s spices. I wonder if it is the same? I use it in mine the dogs’ omelettes. Ha ha!
It sounds like the job is going awesome! They are fortunate to have you. You will continue to grow in skill and confidence!
Well done for getting adjusted in your new position so quickly, Martin! Hope the next period of time goes easily enough and that it is not too stressful.
I feel already better Courtney. Indeed colds are no fun :/
gmathis I don’t think it is trouble on your side of the ocean. I feel it is a bigger trouble in China and this part of the world.
ashmanra: Sadly, I don’t have any linden with me. I was about to buy some, but it seems this year wasn’t good for harvest as I can’t find any in quality I would like to have.
Evol Ving Ness: I hope that November will be quick, easy, and not stressful as well.
everyone: Thanks for your kind words about my job. It’s indeed going well, but I still have lots of to learn and I am mostly learning that I don’t have to think about work during the weekends.
Hazmat shipping is very tricky. UN numbers , labeling and all the stuff on a BOL. I feel for ya. I know how it is.
I quit supply chain coordinator job few years ago as finding g time for gym was counterproductive. Did outdoors course but it is seasonal work for extreme sports. Went back I to semi manual which can be called anywhere from general operative to materials officer. But it changed my cravings. Alcohol was replaced with yancha and later liubao. These days I blend liubao with horsetail which is better than day tranquilizer.
It sounds like it’s going so well at work – yay! I do hope some herbal teas help you to feel better, colds are no fun.
If there were more good workers like you, there might be fewer shipping problems on our side of the ocean! Your homemade get-well brew sounds wonderful as well.
Do you have any linden to add to your wellness tea? I looked up the coleus and it is known as Mexican Mint or French Thyme here. I have some French thyme from Penzey’s spices. I wonder if it is the same? I use it in mine the dogs’ omelettes. Ha ha!
It sounds like the job is going awesome! They are fortunate to have you. You will continue to grow in skill and confidence!
Well done for getting adjusted in your new position so quickly, Martin! Hope the next period of time goes easily enough and that it is not too stressful.
I feel already better Courtney. Indeed colds are no fun :/
gmathis I don’t think it is trouble on your side of the ocean. I feel it is a bigger trouble in China and this part of the world.
ashmanra: Sadly, I don’t have any linden with me. I was about to buy some, but it seems this year wasn’t good for harvest as I can’t find any in quality I would like to have.
Evol Ving Ness: I hope that November will be quick, easy, and not stressful as well.
everyone: Thanks for your kind words about my job. It’s indeed going well, but I still have lots of to learn and I am mostly learning that I don’t have to think about work during the weekends.
Hazmat shipping is very tricky. UN numbers , labeling and all the stuff on a BOL. I feel for ya. I know how it is.
I quit supply chain coordinator job few years ago as finding g time for gym was counterproductive. Did outdoors course but it is seasonal work for extreme sports. Went back I to semi manual which can be called anywhere from general operative to materials officer. But it changed my cravings. Alcohol was replaced with yancha and later liubao. These days I blend liubao with horsetail which is better than day tranquilizer.