Last tea in February 2021, so STATS time!. But first this tea. Another tea from postcrossing.
This tea have wonderful wrapper showing Rialto Bridge in Venice, wonderful glass of cherry-drink.
But this tea is awful.
Really. I think I get the cough syrup notes of you guys. It’s artificial cherry + medicinal background of aroma. Sweet on aroma as well!
And then there is a taste. So sweet. So much stevia in. Why Teekanne, why? Fake, artificial cherry. Hibiscus, written as first => means it should be most prominent ingredient. Maybe it is… but doesn’t deliver any tartness and that lacks here.
Finished half an cup. I don’t like being that negative about teas. But this one gets points only and only for wrapper design.
Let’s hope the stats will make you more happy.
STATISTICS for February 2021:
Tea types drank:
Black 32
Green 17
Herbal 14
Rooibos 9
Puerh 6
Oolong 6
Fruit 4
White 3
Of those were loose leaf:
Y 68
N 23
On Steepster I wrote tasting note:
Y 50
N 41
Number of sipdowns: 30, in total 61.
Teas drank in total: 91; from those average rating 75.21 while not counting teas I haven’t rated.
3rd week of semester starts tomorrow of 10 weeks in total. Not a bright outlook.
Flavors: Artificial, Cherry, Medicinal, Sweet
I like the way you break down your tea statistics. That italian tea certainly does not soud like one I would enjoy. Although since my grandparents were born and grew up in Italy I am always anxious to try anything Italian. Still, this one sounds like a hard pass.
Very impressive records of your sip downs, Martin!
Every day you are a step closer to your goals! School and otherwise!
I know, I know White Antlers.
Maddy: Thank you. I like it being simple, but still interesting. Of course I could for example watch the changes between months, but why?
ashmanra: I was mostly finishing the small amount of teas I had saved for last sessions. It’s hard to say good bye to some teas, but it feels good to have it done and having less and less teas every single cup. “School and otherwise” is so right I am trying!
One day at a time, Martin. Stay in the moment.
I like the way you break down your tea statistics. That italian tea certainly does not soud like one I would enjoy. Although since my grandparents were born and grew up in Italy I am always anxious to try anything Italian. Still, this one sounds like a hard pass.
Very impressive records of your sip downs, Martin!
Every day you are a step closer to your goals! School and otherwise!
I know, I know White Antlers.
Maddy: Thank you. I like it being simple, but still interesting. Of course I could for example watch the changes between months, but why?
ashmanra: I was mostly finishing the small amount of teas I had saved for last sessions. It’s hard to say good bye to some teas, but it feels good to have it done and having less and less teas every single cup. “School and otherwise” is so right I am trying!