Sencha, origin unknown, from derk, but rather White Antlers
It is sencha with pine needles she got few weeks back, see here:
Happy to try it out! I took two teaspoons in 75-80°C water and it was quite good decision. Steep was quite short, about 2 minutes.
It was mellow, grassy, forest floor a bit. Quite jasmine like, which I wonder where it come from. It was altogether bit on weak side and I have drank about one half of my 300 ml mug, as my mother spilled the rest when she wanted find out what I am drinking. “It’s good” she said but she had just last sip left in the vessel. I have two other tea spoons luckily; but it IS past its prime.
That tea is a good 5 years old. It came from Life In Teacup.
Oh well, that makes sense that both ingredients are past its prime :)