Thought I’d give this tea a try hot today since it was a bit chilly out – used my standard measurement of 0.75 tsp of tea for my 12 oz cup. Steeped at 95C for 10 minutes.
Checked after 5 minutes of steeping, but noticed the yogurt pieces hadn’t dissolved, which I found curious since I thought the hot water would melt those away in no time. Hoping they would dissolve, I gave the tea another 5 minutes to steep, but this didn’t help even after taking my spoon to the yogurt pieces so I gave up and just went with what I had.
I have to say that this tea was definitely better cold to me. Warm it’s okay—even without sugar, but it loses that nice raspberry freezie taste. It could just be that I oversteeped it, however, because the hibiscus was definitely more present in this hot version than it was in the cold.
Might give this drink one more attempt hot at a 5 minute steep to see if it’s still as hibiscus heavy, but right now I’m thinking cold is the way to drink this.
Updated cup count from my 27g pitcher pack: 2 (Plenty more to play around with)