212 Tasting Notes
This is another sample from Angel and Teavivre. Thanks! I remain very impressed with Teavivre after tasting this one.
I brewed this up gringo style since I was making a bazillion gallons of iced tea while I was in the kitchen. Brewing in the gaiwan takes far too much concentration to be multitasking like that. I weighed out my sample and decided it was enough to use in my ingenuitea and I followed the directions on the back of the package.
I found this to be excellent, a complex tea with different hidden flavors to surprise me. At first I thought it was mineral with a hint of that floral taste I got with the high mountain oolong. I let it cool down a bit. I generally don’t drink my tea very hot. Now I’m getting a toasty roasted, nutty flavor. It still has the mineral quality to it, but there is a new sweetness wrapping every thing together. There is a pleasant aftertaste which lingers on for quite some time.
This tea deserves a permanent spot in my cupboard. This is one I can curl up with and enjoy all day long.
I was interested in lapsang souchong because I’ve read they are smokey teas. Of course, I see that Bonnie does quite a bit with them when cooking and I was curious.
I’m not really sure what to think about this one yet. I feel like I’m drinking liquid smoke with a smidge of tea. I only really know it’s tea because there is that familiar tea bite. I didn’t find any bitterness or much astringency. I’m thinking this is of decent quality.
I don’t think this is some thing I would really keep in my cupboard. I enjoyed trying it but I think I’d like it more in a blend. A little less smoke would make me happy.Preparation
While I prefer the LS Black Dragon, I did finish up the last of the Imperial a few nights ago. I brewed it with really short steeps and a rinse and it was actually sweet and delicious though still definitely smokey. The Black Dragon is a more buttery tea base and that’s the one I’ll be re-ordering in the fall.
Not quite yet but we did get some with our order. :D
One other thing I noticed is after drinking this tea any thing that is sweet now has super powers. It really seems to magnify sweet things.
I’ll have to look into that LS Black Dragon then. The smoke wasn’t a really bad taste, it just powered out every thing else.
Put some in the water when steaming broccoli. Some people drink it with sugar and cream. I have a sweet whisky hard cheese that I eat along side with it and it’s wonderful. There are lighter versions. Also, overly sweet tea’s can be enhanced with a pinch of smoke.
I still dislike smoky teas, lol. Missy, LS Black Dragon is very smoky too, but have nothing to compare it too.
I’ll have to give that baker street a whirl and see how it does. I do have to say it really brings back camping memories.
IMO smoky teas are better in blends than straight. In particular, I think of 52teas Mayan Chocolate Chai for a nice hit of smokiness, but not too much. I think their ‘Smoky Chocolate’ was a bit much for me though. So, I’d definitely suggest blending it! Or using it in recipes – I looooooove smoked meat, and think it would add fabulous flavour to so many things, as Bonnie frequently tells us!
When I pulled think out of the chest of wonders (Upton box), I thought, “why would someone put these two together!?” The taste was an awesome surprise. I feel like I have an Earl grey tea, heavy on lemon, that I dropped a Hershey bar into. The flavors all play together so politely. No huge clashes for me to wade through. I enjoy this, but not enough to give it some prime real estate in my cupboard.
This has to be the only Earl grey type tea I can’t taste the bergamot inx. I found lots of grapefruit and a malty medium bodied base. I didn’t get the lime I was looking for. I also totally missed the smoke I thought I’d find in here. Not a bad tea, but not one I’m wanting to stock up on.
This is the very last sample from our tea swap with Krystaleyn. Le sigh. I shouldn’t be sighing, I have a box of samples to get through sitting right next to me.
This would be totally awesome iced I think. It’s pretty good hot but all that berry action makes me think it’s perfect for a refreshing drink on a hot summer day. Blueberry seems to be the strongest flavor here with a pomegranate sidekick. There is some thing a little different with this blueberry. I think it may be that acai berry showing up here. Very good berry mix. I can’t really taste the green tea but that’s okay berry drinks are awesome. Thanks again Krystaleyn!
I’m thinking Teavivre is going to be a company Dylan and I patronize for some time. I’m really impressed with the quality of their tea and their customer acquisition plan. Dylan has informed me we are drinking the lowest grade of Keemun they currently sell. This stuff is just awesome! I love it.
It had a medium bodied malt that mellowed out that tea sharpness. I’m not sure how to describe the sharpness. It’s a bite that is pleasant. Basically just makes sure you know you are indeed drinking tea. The smokey flavor takes over and blends with a sweetness that is just divine. I could drink this all day long.
So we’ve found an earl grey I can share with Dylan. This one is pretty yummy. Vanilla goodness meets sweet, creamy tea and bergamot. Again this time there seems to be lime and possibly lemon in this tea, underneath the bergamot. I think the tea base is stronger with this one than the mad hat tea. I really like this one better. Maybe it’s just the creamy taste along with the vanilla that does it for me. It really seems to make the bergamot much more manageable. Yay we found the bergamot that belongs in our cupboard!
Fair warning though, I’m probably the worst person to ask about fake vanilla. I used to sneak into my mom’s cupboard and sip her vanilla extract. Vanilla needs to be pretty powerful to get my attention.
Today I decided to do a side by side comparison of the two earl grey creme. I have tried this one before and decided to send it to work with Dylan. It was just a bit too heavy on the bergamot for me.
I liked the vanilla in it and the citrus flavors but I had to get over the perfume to get to them. I totally agree with Dylan it tastes like there is lime in here. Maybe that’s just the addition of vanilla. The tea base is pretty mellow, I had to look for it a bit. If you like a stronger bergamot creme this will do it for you.
Angel from Teavivre approached me via email about trying some tea. Of course I agreed since Teavivre was already on my list of future places to buy tea from. I was pretty excited when I got my box with the little chinese characters on it. I wanted to rush out and try all of them right away, but at the same time I want to make sure I take time to enjoy the tea as well. I believe this is called a conundrum. So enough rambling and on to the tea.
This is a green I could enjoy in the future. With the greens I’ve tried so far, I decided I may be a black tea person. Some times greens just remind me of mushy vegetables, not a flavor I’m looking to keep around. I found this a bit vegetal but not in the mushy sort of way. It’s actually pretty sweet. I wonder if that is that orchid taste I read about. I’m going to have to smell some of those and compare. I found this tea steeps up decently at 1 and 2 minutes. At 2 minutes you get a deeper body but largely the same flavor profile. I’m glad I got the chance to try it. Thanks to Angel and Teavivre.
Another tea I’ve had and forgot to review. I did brew it up a bit longer than I normally do. Normally I only leave it for a minute, so it’s a bit stronger. I think I prefer it this way though. It’s much easier to discern different flavors. There is a peppery, hay like taste in here. It sounds bad put that way but this is pleasant. I feel like the hay was stacked near some flowers but I can’t put my finger on what sort. It’s hard for me to label this as vegetal since I feel it’s too dry for that. I have also found a fruity like sweetness in here. Not a bad tea but I think I like black teas better for now.
Peppery Hay sounds good to me! I have not found too many Tropical Teas I care for though other than Blue Mango. I like that one iced.