212 Tasting Notes
This is a generous sample from Krystaleyn. Thanks!
I tend to brew greens for short periods. This is a pretty good take on spicy cinnamon. It’s a red hot type of cinnamon ending with a pepper note. The tea is very mild and a bit creamy. Thanks again Krystaleyn!
More sample busting tonight. I’m on my nook while watching True Blood, so short notes are appropriate. This is a generous sample from Sandy. Thanks!
This is a very smooth citrus. The other fruit flavors make it creamy. I feel there must be banana and pineapple in here, maybe some peach too. I bet it’s great iced. Great tea!
I’ve forgotten to post a review of this tea so I made some up this morning. It’s one of my favorites from Tropical Tea Company. Well it probably is my favorite tea from them. It’s some thing I can enjoy at nearly any point in the day. My faithful, comfortable companion.
I really love vanilla and this is what I find the most of in this cup. I have my purple monstrosity mug out and the aroma is just lovely. For being as strong as it is in the flavor profile the vanilla does not taste artificial. I feel like I put a tad bit of green tea into an infuser stuffed with vanilla beans. The green tea peaks through the vanilla goodness. I found a buttery, creamy taste. I haven’t decided if its the vanilla that makes it a buttery cream or the tea. I recently tried a green tea that had that quality, so it may be the green tea. This is definitely a keeper for me.
Another sample from Krystaleyn. Thank you! I was really excited to try this one. Any thing that is chocolate is generally good in my book. It has met my expectations with a bit of a surprise. I was really wondering how they were going to make it taste like cake.
That being said, I do get chocolate cake goodness from this one. It’s creamy too so maybe chocolate cake with whipped cream. Any who I’m pretty impressed. I should keep this one around for craving curbing.
Yep, I thought it would be capable of satisfying a craving. Not something I’d drink regularly though (so I need to make sure I have about 25g before it leaves the tea wall at my DT location!)
You know I totally agree on not drinking it all the time. Very odd, I think its great but it will be better when I’m craving chocolate.
It’s becoming an ‘online exclusive’. They’re doing that with many new teas, it seems. Of course, once things are online you have to buy in 50g increments, which is annoying.
Well they also can’t have every tea on the wall haha – they just picked the most popular ones to stick around on the wall I think.
Very good point there! I do wonder why you have to buy in larger amounts on online vs in store though.
Yeah you’re definitely right about making more money too! At least we swap with each other so we can taste something first! We’re totally beating the system ;)
I’m also glad they’re keeping the teas alive as online exclusives instead outright discontinuing them – sure you have to buy a larger quantity when it’s online, but at least if you’ve tasted it prior it’s not so much of a gamble!
This is a pretty awesome green tea. It really reminds me of a sweeter gen mai cha. Gen mai cha made with Rice Krispies cereal. The roasted flavor has carmel like qualities. The green tea is smooth and almost malty. Smooth operator, lalala. I have now named it rice krisy tea.
Thanks Krystaleyn for this sample!
I think some thing went wrong with this one. I get the orange, cinnamon and caramel. There is some thing bitter in here. I may have steeped it wrong. We also had to rush off to the store to fix a toilet part right as I was brewing this. Le sigh. I shall visit it again some other time.
Thanks again Krystaleyn for your generosity in swapping with me.
Awwww, sad :( It shouldn’t have been bitter. I think it needs only 3min. Oh well – sometimes there are mistakes! Did you at least eat the mulberry? :P
This was another generous sample from Krystaleyn. Thanks a bunch! I was so excited to try this tea. I should add she is a good swap buddy. She even put up with my swap noobness, which amounted to a bazillion questions.
OH EM GEE! I love this glitter stuff in my cup! This a one beautiful cup of vanilla, cinnamon and clove goodness. It’s also the only tea I’ve had so far to give me sticky lips. I’m not sure what that is about but its pleasant. Ohh maybe if I drink it during the day and stand out side my lips will glitter… Amusing thought there. I may just have to try it. I’m totally missing the orange here. I see the huge orange peel in the infuser so I know I should have tasted it. I’m totally okay with missing the orange, since every thing else is so awesome.
Thanks again Kyrstaleyn! I love this one. I’m gonna try talking Dylan into a pound of it. ;)
You just know that somebody is going to turn this into some kind of massage tea! And speaking of …why DO you need a pound of the stuff miss sticky lips? Lipgloss tea? Carl Sagan galaxy swirls (read Dylans) Watcha smokin?
I got my box of tea from china today! Woot!
We have the pai mu tan from tropical tea company and I like this one better. The pai mu tan feels like the less interesting cousin to this one. I get a bit of cucumber and pepper ending with a note like alfalfa fields. I haven’t ever chewed on alfalfa but this tastes like they smell. I find it mildly sweet. Score! A good tea but I think I like the darker teas a bit more.
hahaha! It’s hard not to do it. We sit here as we are drinking it and talk about it so we totally get the same things from the tea as well. :D
This is a sample from Krystaleyn. Thanks for the generous samples!!! So on to the tea. We are sitting here talking about the tea and Dylan said, " It’s almost like a starter gen mai cha." Which was amusing to me because that’s the association I made with my first sip. Before you know it we will be finishing each other’s sentences all day long. ;)
This is a very interesting green tea. I was a bit surprised by the ingredients. I do think it was done really well though. I like the roasty walnut taste. I think I’m missing out on the almond in here. I just get walnut all the way. It’s a buttery, creamy tea so that may be what the almond contributes. I pick up on the pineapple and coconut together, an excellent pairing. The green tea pops out in the end. This feels like a tea I should drink after snowboarding for some reason. I haven’t done that in years. I’d probably break my neck if I tried to do it now.
We tried this tea this afternoon. This was a generous sample from Ashmanra. Thank you!
It’s got a good pear flavor to it. It actually tastes like pear juice was added to my tea. I’ve had an asian pear one time before I think. I’m not really up on how greatly differs from other pears. I do remember I liked the texture better. The green tea is just slightly vegital and sweet. It’s also creamy in a sort of buttery way. All around a good tea to drink in the afternoon. I bet this one is great iced as well.