So we’ve found an earl grey I can share with Dylan. This one is pretty yummy. Vanilla goodness meets sweet, creamy tea and bergamot. Again this time there seems to be lime and possibly lemon in this tea, underneath the bergamot. I think the tea base is stronger with this one than the mad hat tea. I really like this one better. Maybe it’s just the creamy taste along with the vanilla that does it for me. It really seems to make the bergamot much more manageable. Yay we found the bergamot that belongs in our cupboard!
Fair warning though, I’m probably the worst person to ask about fake vanilla. I used to sneak into my mom’s cupboard and sip her vanilla extract. Vanilla needs to be pretty powerful to get my attention.
Does the vanilla taste good—not artificial?
I felt like it was pretty natural. Would you like a sample to try?
Fair warning though, I’m probably the worst person to ask about fake vanilla. I used to sneak into my mom’s cupboard and sip her vanilla extract. Vanilla needs to be pretty powerful to get my attention.
I’ll PM you tomorrow…….I’m tired and If you want to swap….thats great. :))
Sounds good :D