What must my mailman think of me? For nearly 4 years, all he delivered was bills, a card or two, and the odd package or two once or twice a year. I had 4 packages in my box today. Had 2 yesterday. And the week before had a few more.
Thank you, Steepster Overlords, for supporting both tea companies and the USPS.
So, yes, my 52teas order arrived (among other things), and I had to have this tea first. Against my honeybush-inclinations, I decided to brew it for 5 minutes to start (normally I’d go 10). Also having it neat this first go around.
It’s minty, with an almond bark-like taste and even texture to it. The honeybush is there, of course, and provides a gentle sweetness. It tastes…just like a grasshopper. Smooth and delicious and NOM. I’ll definitely be trying it out at 10 minutes, just to see what happens.
I raise my teacup to you, Frank. You’ve done it again, and by everything good and wonderful in this world, please make this permanent.
Jaime, I just placed two orders with 52Teas and of course this was not one of them. I am so sad. You make this sound so yummy!
It’s amazing, Rachel, it really is. I very well may get another pouch the next time I order, to be perfectly honest. I understand how you feel, though…I don’t have any of the Apple-Vanilla White Chai.
Rachel, I just got my order from 52Teas today, and I did order this one, so if you’d like, I will include a bit of it in with your box that I’m putting together for you!
There’s very few teas that I will hoard and protect in my cupboard. This one, the PBJ rooibos, and LiberTEAS’s Breakfast blend are ones that I’d fight someone for. I’d win, too, cause I can be a mean little Kentucky girl when I need to be! :-P
You know what the best part of this particular comment thread is? Jaime’s comment: “This one, the PBJ rooibos, and LiberTEAS’s Breakfast blend are ones that I’d fight someone for.”
Jaime, I’ve got some apple vanilla white chai set aside for you in the package I’m readying. Glad this tea is THAT good. I finally caved when Frank listed the reblends individually on Friday, can’t wait to try it!
Meghann, you’re my hero! Doing an happy dance…yes, it’s embarrassing, but look all you want and laugh!!
LiberTEAS, it’s the truth. I love that stuff!
Jaime, I just placed two orders with 52Teas and of course this was not one of them. I am so sad. You make this sound so yummy!
It’s amazing, Rachel, it really is. I very well may get another pouch the next time I order, to be perfectly honest. I understand how you feel, though…I don’t have any of the Apple-Vanilla White Chai.
Rachel, I just got my order from 52Teas today, and I did order this one, so if you’d like, I will include a bit of it in with your box that I’m putting together for you!
OMG!!!! I am so HAPPY! Doing a happy dance. Don’t look at me, it’s embarrassing.
There’s very few teas that I will hoard and protect in my cupboard. This one, the PBJ rooibos, and LiberTEAS’s Breakfast blend are ones that I’d fight someone for. I’d win, too, cause I can be a mean little Kentucky girl when I need to be! :-P
LOL, I know what you mean :-)
It’s a joke in my family that I’ll marry the UPS, USPS, or FedEx guy.
You know what the best part of this particular comment thread is? Jaime’s comment: “This one, the PBJ rooibos, and LiberTEAS’s Breakfast blend are ones that I’d fight someone for.”
Jaime, I’ve got some apple vanilla white chai set aside for you in the package I’m readying. Glad this tea is THAT good. I finally caved when Frank listed the reblends individually on Friday, can’t wait to try it!
Meghann, you’re my hero! Doing an happy dance…yes, it’s embarrassing, but look all you want and laugh!!
LiberTEAS, it’s the truth. I love that stuff!
So much dancing going on. Frank has created a virtual blends dance party.