Thank you, Cameron B, for sending me this sample!
A few things about this tea really stand out. One is the strong smell when steeping – as I was scooping the leaves in, I got a whiff of what I think of as butter, and the smell and taste match it to me. I know it’s supposed to be caramel, but to me this is a buttery type tea, and it reminds me a little of the taste of the Butterbeer in Universal Studios in the Harry Potter theme Park section. The tea has a nice and silky texture – I’m a bit smoke fan, but not picking up on that part much. I have another cup to try and will update if the smokiness comes through more my second cup – may try steeping it a bit longer to steep.
One thing is for sure, this one is different and I like different sometimes. It’s a unique tasting tea that’s not overpowering. I can see how I couldn’t sip too many of these cups in a row due to the caramel and almost buttery profile and my sensitive stomach, but I like it for one cup at a time.
Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Smoke