Yes, don’t like it this time around either. I added brown sugar and creamer. It’s alright, tastes a little like “glitter and gold” which I totally hate, but this is not as heavy on the ginger and clove. I kinda feel like I wasted my drop of cream and pinch of sugar on this.
I think I also need to stop equating "pumpkin spice " with “pumpkin”. But you know, when Starbucks gives me the pumpkin spice latte, that actually tastes like pumpkin, one could see how I would have an expectation of other things called “pumpkin spice”. Mais non.
I think booze clouded my judgement originally and rated it higher. I’d drink a 70 but I can’t say I’d drink this. Bump.
I’m noticing quite a few things called “pumpkin spice” that have no pumpkin component. It’s really annoying – can’t they call it something like “autumn spice” so they don’t get our hopes up for something pumpkiny?