1324 Tasting Notes
April Sipdown Alphabet Challenge: “J” Tea
So I don’t have an “I” tea for some reason so on to “J”. I added a splash of soymilk to this cup but think I prefer it without. It actually was really good with a bit of milk very rhubarb heavy and creamy tasting. Maybe I just prefer my rhubarb teas without cream? I don’t know. I’m glad I snagged this off of amazon fresh when I got the chance because I don’t think it’s on there anymore. I’m gonna have to try this one iced at some point this spring or summer. I think it would be really nice.
Flavors: Rhubarb
National Peach Cobbler Day! Sipdown Challenge
I’ve reviewed this one before so not much else to say about it other than I think this teabag has started to lose some of its flavor. This is the first cup I’ve had that wasn’t super peachy from this tea. This was an office grab teabag but I really need to find out where I can get a box of this.
National Peach Cobbler Day! Sipdown Challenge
I opened this before I even realized it was Peach Cobbler Day to have during my class this morning. I woke up late and didn’t have time to brew anything other than a matcha teabag. The peach was pretty mellow here compared to the stevia. I think this is my least favorite I’ve tried of their bottled iced teas so far. I really liked the raspberry one and the blood orange earl grey was good too. They are very stevia heavy in flavor so definitely not the best option if you don’t like stevia. I actually had quite a few peach teas I’d been meaning to drink today but want to limit my caffeine. So I’m gonna just stick to a few likely.
Flavors: Sweet
April Sipdown Alphabet Challenge: “G” Tea
SIpdown! This sample kindly came from AmandaStory
I’ve been drinking it but haven’t written a note up until now.
This particular cup doesn’t really remind me of gingerbread or creme brulee but cola instead. It reminds me of cola drinking this one plain and lukewarm. It’s pretty yummy and sweet just on it’s own.
Flavors: Cola, Spices, Sweet
April Sipdown Alphabet Challenge: “F” Tea
I only had two F teas and this is the one that was already opened. It’s sweet with a toasted grain flavor. The sweetness resembles dried fruit but I couldn’t say what type specifically. I over-steeped this and it still tasted really nice. I like this one better than the Adagio Formosa Oolong I tried last year.
Flavors: Dried Fruit, Grain, Roasted, Toasty
April Sipdown Alphabet Challenge: “E” Tea
Quick little write up more next time though.
This smells just like rootbeer before steeping I can’t stop sniffing it. Once steeped it definitely is a lot more of an herbal rootbeer flavor and with chamomile. It’s good but not as good as it smelled. I still will be playing around with it and really enjoying my pouch of this.