Got a tin of this in the sale and I’m excited to try my first flavored matcha from DT.
The instructions were a bit confusing as it looked like they wanted a LOT of matcha for one cup something like 5-6 spoonfuls for a 16oz mug. I just decided to do a more normal preparation and see how it goes. It’s very watered down tasting so maybe it does need a lot more matcha. That’s a bummer considering the price but I do get a bit of gingerbread flavor and it’s really nice.
I really like this one and considered getting a tin, but decided to try some new flavors instead. I’m not sure it needs quite as much matcha as they recommend, but it is more than you might expect!
I really like this one and considered getting a tin, but decided to try some new flavors instead. I’m not sure it needs quite as much matcha as they recommend, but it is more than you might expect!
I’ll definitely be more generous with the amount next time then.
There’s more sugar than matcha in these so that’s why it calls for such a large amount, ha ha.