This was a free sample I received a while ago as part of my Tea Buffs subscription. Having a break from cleaning and sorting, been at it all day and I’m knackered.
The loose blend consists of large leaf pieces and small mixed pieces, it had a sweet pear and almond scent. It was amazing, pear is hard to capture scent wise but this is fab.
Once steeped the tea is amber in colour and is very sweet and almond rich. In flavour it is more mild in comparison to it’s strong scent but it is just as pleasing. After my husbands first sip he said “Yummm that’s nice” and it takes a lot for him to say that. I can’t taste the Rooibos other than it’s sweetness but that matches well against both the pear and the almond/marzipan. It’s not tart like ie crusty or bready in any way so that is just a play on words I suppose, make it sound more appealing. The pear is pure tasting though it’s stronger than it would be to actually eat a pear so I think it may have some artificial flavour present, or something to aid it anyway.
The strongest element is by far the almond, if you like almond tea then this is worth a try. It’s nice to have an almond tea that doesn’t make me think purely of marzipan (despite this blends name).
Right, I’m going to finish my tea and then I need to carry on, such is life.
Flavors: Almond, Pear
This one sounds really good, and I love the name! Tartlet! So cute.
Who are you calling a tartlet!