Sorry for my lack of posts recently, my internet has been on and off (mostly off) for a few weeks now and it’s made posting reviews very difficult. :( Thankfully everything appears to have been fixed so I am back in business.
In dry form this tea is noticeable a mixture of both black and green teas that are in rather small pieces. Mixed amongst them are a few yellow petals and flower buds.
As I open the packet a sweet and fruity scent fills the air. It does smell like passion fruit but could also be mistaken for mango or possibly papaya no hint of anything floral or jasmine like.
Once steeped the tea forms a red/brown colour and has a dry and slightly sweet fruit aroma. It’s fruit scent has change and is a little unrecognisable, now it’s more like peach.
In taste this is rich, roasty, fruity, sweet, woody and floral. There is a thick jasmine flavour that has become somewhat earthy and rich
with help from the black tea. Almost enough to be bitter but just edging away from it slightly. The fruit is still more peach or apricot than anything else but it’s gone in a flash and taken over by the jasmine.
In a weird way it reminds me of a generic cheap fruity Oolong. It’s nice but not something I think I would ever crave or miss. Nice if you like a strong fruit based tea that keeps it’s tea elements, however I am in two minds about it.