673 Tasting Notes
time for a full review:
so i decided to try it again, it for some reason was very good this time around.
when i open the package, it has a strong nutty smell to it :)
when i steep it, the aroma is less strong but still has that nutty smell. the taste is a bit like flowers but has more of a nutty taste.
so i plan on ordering 100g of it from teavivre tomorrow. if you want to try a flower herbal tea, id give this one a shot.Flavors: Flowers, Nuts
time to do a full review:
When i opened the packet, the smell of the teabag was smooth.
when i finished steeping the tea, it had a aroma similar to pu-ehr.
the taste was strong with a similar taste to pu-ehr with a hint of hay flavor. this tea is great and is worth buying :) my new rating is 100