673 Tasting Notes
it tastes a tad bit better with sugar :) sugar sticks that red leaf tea sells works too (no need to measure sugar) —→http://www.redleaftea.com/sugar/sugar-stiks-box.html#.U6X9L0A0-Vo
5 points added (up from 50)
190 °F / 87 °C
1 tsp
250 OZ / 7393 ML
Try using cooler water, and whisking for longer. Sometimes bitterness is caused by not enough mixing!
Oh, ok. I will keep that in mind. Maybe I should use less tea?
That is another option to try as well. I’d go with whisking more first. Like when you whisk eggs, you know it is almost ready when the foam starts to build
i don’t have a whisker so i have to use a spoon lol. i live in a lodging home :P
Ohhhh I see. In that case, do you have a mesh sieve that you can filter the matcha through? this will help reduce clumps and bitterness
Also, try putting the matcha into a waterbottle with just a little water in it, and shake. Then add more water (as much as you need for it to taste good, so add a little at a time)
thankyou for the advice :)
Good luck!