What an awesome tea!
My friend kittylovestea sent me some of this tea.
This tea is done via my iPod as I cannot connect with my PC as I require a new eathernet cord.
Temp: just below boiling.
Grams: 5
Steep time: 1 min
Cup size: 25ml
When I smell the leaves dry, they smell musty.
When I smell The leaves wet, they smell spicy.
When I smell the brewed tea, I smell honey and stony spices. There is as tad bit of fishyness but we will keep that to ourselves.
When I taste the brewed tea, I taste strong honey and spices.
The color of the brewed tea is a medium golden color.
I rate this tea a 100 because I love the spicyness.
Many thanks my dear friend from the British isle.
Flavors: Honey, Musty, Spices, Spicy