when I smell the leaves that are dry, they smell spicy and smoky.
when I smell them wet, the smell is more intense.
when I smell the brewed tea, it smells nice and smoky. and when I taste it its heavy in smoke and spices and leaves a after taste similar to grape juice lol
(one note that keeps it from reaching 100% is that it should be steeped lightly)
many thanks to angel teavivre for letting me take part in this tasting
Flavors: Grapes, Smoke, Spices, Spicy
190 °F / 87 °C
3 min, 0 sec
14 g
25 OZ / 750 ML
Sounds pretty good to me
Oh yeah Kirk, that was a really nice full review too, great job!! Keep em coming :)
Thankyou :)