I’ve been going going going since I woke up to the news Sunday morning, and it’s no surprise that I’ve also had a migraine since then. But I couldn’t take the time off work because I was helping with response. I awoke in the middle of the night with the realization that I’ve also been putting in extra effort on the work front because that meant not having to really deal with my emotions about it. I was able to log off work early today and finally take a break, so it’s starting to really hit me now. I’m sneaking a tea from my Dammann advent in hopes that the dopamine hit of something new will keep me from feeling too low. But last night I wanted a nice, comforting latte, and this really hit the spot. I especially love that this is so minty, which is great for when I have migraines – sometimes I get bored with the same basic ginger or mint migraine tea options and it’s nice to have a latte-able alternative. This blend is really a treat and I’m quite grateful that it was in the TTB.