390 Tasting Notes
this was a lovely MissB treat!
now obviously i don’t taste the caramel…. what i do taste though is well ripened anjou pear and brown sugar against a dark oolong background….. a lovely pear curl. (i say that normally liking pear particularly in tea). this is the smell of a pear crumble with fresh pears picked right off the tree…. basted with brown sugar…. gooey in the oven.
who needs dessert? lol.
this is lovely. thank you so much MissB!
oh dear.
rishi, i am normally such a fan. even after the chocolate chai fiasco. this blend stopped me almost as soon as i started….. it was pepto bismol tea. =0/
believe me i wish i could say otherwise. i do feel very badly. i couldn’t even finish my cup. correction, i couldn’t swallow more than 2 sips of my cup— down the drain!
(i need to gargle)
suppose i should be glad MissB hasn’t redecorated… seeing as judging by her current batting average she is living inside my brain, lol!
this was quite awesome. another sketchily described black tea, but with divine curls of fruit that i thought were pieces of apricot? of course with no description it was only a guess. mango, pineapple…. and YUP chilli, definitely chilli as it cools!
nice and smooth. no astringency. lovely with a bit of cream and agave…. B….. no moving the furniture, are we clear? =0P thank you for the lovely sample!
this is a great night time tea! it scores low… dunno why….
very refreshing, not snappy enough to be crisp, but i don’t think i want that right before bed. the vanilla makes it very soothing and adds a cream element to the lemon. i actually didn’t finish my mug last night and shoved it in the fridge… it’s great cold guys. it will make a very nice cold steep.
i get a hint of apple, but not the wishy washy kind- ones with substance. very nicely done. i found this by accident at winners for an awesome price. i would totally buy again! (even though it’s a bagged tea!) no hibiscus. no overpowering lemon. nice and balanced =0).
used 2 bags for my 12 oz mug. 6 minute steep wi/ boiling water.
i am beginning to believe that MissB is having fun with me, lol.
samples are arriving with less and less information on them. hmm, am i a social experiment? maybe!
i got a wicked sunburn yesterday at the fair. slept 11 hours and woke up with a sun hangover. i needed a solid tea to stagger to class with. hattiali? what was it? i had no idea… sure, why not? =0)
this is a brown sugar beauty. reminds me of the bricks of brown sugar you can buy in china town. lovely and smooth, a hint of malt without any acid… ever so light on the malt even with a 5 minute steep.
very nice MissB! oh, and TeaCentre, lol.
i didn’t actually know what this was when i steeped it =0).
just as well i ‘may’ have had a bias against! ceylons and i tend to grouch at one another. however, none the wiser the warm bread smell of this one drew me in happily… along with the fact that it arrived with the springbok enthusiasm of a MissB surprise ‘gotcha’ package. (i love it when she does that =0)
a warm leaf that has nothing to do with temperature. has a significant depth to it. a crusty bread essence…. like a double rise with brown sugar across the top. a drop of agave, but hardy any. mild astringency, nothing harsh. very nice!
what’s this? a ceylon? REALLY?!! well, i personally believe MissB was put on this planet to change minds about tea…. =0P (or at least mine). MISSION ACCOMPLISHED MY DEAR B!!!!!
this came as a surprise from the ever-full-of-surprises MissB.
i feel so bad for this tea looking at the number! i mean, if you have to be an entity that’s given a number, .75 isn’t that great…. could be worse, but could be better… especially seeing as i really enjoyed it!
makes me think of an after eight, or a peppermint hot chocolate. lovely and wintery….
you know, total segue. it’s been a stressful semester and i’m sitting here writing this review watching a TED talk i’ve watched nearly a dozen times in the last ten days. this one: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/frank-warren/postsecret-500000-secrets_b_3111905.html totally awesome, very mostly funny. =0)
i have these thoughts running around my head: Tealet in vancouver at TED (i could be there now!!!!!!!!), MissB reading my tea brain so well and suddenly it clicks why i’ve been watching this talk— it’s not far off the 3rd anniversary of my gran’s death. (just the ending that makes me wishful). =0) (bashful/wishful grin).
as dr who says: allons-y alonzo! (i’ve never met an alonzo, have you?)
Oh James, I miss you! I’m sorry this semester has been so hard on you, and your anxiety is so palpable in your notes. I watched that Ted talk a while ago, and also found it heartbreaking and hilarious.
i wish i had kept a voicemail, it’s almost 3 in the morning and we’re talking about long deleted messages i would uselessly obsess over to no good end. damn. took me long enough to get it, huh? geez. i miss you too!
I want now ):
I love TED talks! We watched them all the time in one of my A level classes, and I still watch them now on Netflix (: there was one held at my uni last year, and I wish I’d gone. I checked their diary not long ago and as far as I can see they have no plans to return to the UK as of yet (boo!)
if you have a moment please read this thank you note to two brilliant vendors: http://steepster.com/discuss/7209-where-credit-is-due-dot-dot-dot
aha! i got it! last time i was too conservative.
i’m getting ahead of myself… this cup was brought to my by one MissB. thank you, thank you!
my first cup i was so worked up to try but was let down by the sip =0(. it shouldn’t happen to a butiki tea…. it shouldn’t happen to my tongue! i was disappointed and feeling guilty for being disappointed… round and round. all for want of an extra sixty seconds steeping!!! really james!
cinnamon, applesauce, potatoes verrrrry faintly as a starchy baseline. very nice! a bit of agave syrup added and i feel quite the decadent dandy =0)
thank you so much MissB for my surprise (she snooped on my wish list and sprung it on me, lol). it’s absolutely lovely.
thanks so much Miss B for this sample!
oh my…. it and i are NOT compatible! too much smoke. i couldn’t finish my cup and i didn’t even do a full length steep =0(
i really wanted to love it. i love the back story….. sigh. me and my weird sensitivities!