i taste fresh marzipan, not amaretto.someone wearing a broad woven sun hat as they pick over the choice almonds in the moonlight because that’s when they taste best. distant spices and hints of fruit are carried aromatically everytime i breath in. this music is an excellent metaphor… seamless, smooth, swirling. the scent of the dry blend lingers even after the water is added and a lingual note harmonizes with the olfactory; distinctly separate, but always waltzing in lockstep.
thank you ysaurella. the de lune is still my favourite so far, but this one was lovely. je comprends avec un clarite grave pourquoi tu es la fille d’une ‘pleine lune’.
you’re very welcome. May I suggest to brew it at 95°C or even boiling and up to 5 minutes ? It differs like this. and it depends on how you like it (stronger and spicier this way)
will do! thank you so much for the advice!