this was a grand share from ShortSorceress. thank you kindly, ma’am!
i am trying so hard to reduce sugar in my life which is not an easy thing for me; given the choice between cheesecake and chips i’ll always swap my wife her cake for my chips so i can have two pieces! however, given that despite my red mowhawk my next birthday is 38, i figured maybe i should eat a tad more responsibly.
i have a costco membership. it would be bonkers to buy sugar there under normal circumstances (what, an 80 pound bag? lol) as i stumbled through the inconveniently unlabeled aisles i noticed bottled pairs of agave syrup for 9.99$. that’s supposed to be a great alternative to sugar. it’s way sweeter than white granulated, which means i can use less. except it doesn’t seem to work that way. i use just as much if not more. damn.
so i thought i’d try to cut it out all together starting with this tea! it’s a very nice smooth blend. deeply, darkly chocolate. lovely even without sugar (although i did add cream). very rich, definitely decadent, reminds me of chocolate mousse. i didn’t miss the sugar at all!
i’m not sugar free… but if you are trying to reduce your sugar intake i highly recommend this one =0)