thank you to ShortSorceress for this treat. i have read so much about it and she was so kind as to send me a bag out of her supply!
i can truly say that i have never had a tea like this one. when a tea is described as fruity apples and raspberries come to mind. it is definitely fruity, and yet i can’t place which one. all of them perhaps? there is a very interesting hint of potential that it could be bitter had they wanted it that way, but instead of being a liability it plays as a beautiful counterpoint, emphasizing the lovely balance of fruit notes and how they play with the tea harmony.
the intake of breath just before i sip carries a light scent of honey and something reminiscent of the brioche that i bought and dunked in coffee (back before i was allergic)when i lived in paris. the is the tiniest hint of nuttiness, even harder to detect that the bitter potential.
comparing this to familiar blends i come up with no metaphor. it is not a an earl grey of any kind, nor a puerh, nor a green. it’s not an assam or an oolong…. or maybe it is, but it is blended so brilliantly that for me it is a brand new kind of tea!! this is new and wonderful!
predictably, two days previous to trying this charming tea, i placed an order with harney and sons…. did i order this one. of course not, lol.
i must be off to add this to my future shopping list, lol.