1908 Tasting Notes
This got lost for a little while in the back of my tea cupboard which is a shame since this is one bagged tea that doesn’t deserve to languish in obsquerity.
It’s sweet enough to almost be considered a dessert in its own right, and that’s without any sweetener – it doesn’t need it! But I don’t find the caramel and vanilla to be artificial tasting like a lot of ‘flavorings’ are; you could close your eyes and imagine easily caramel syrup and real vanilla whipped cream in this tea as you sip at it.
Although the steeping instruction say to steep for 3-5 minutes I thought it seemed a little weak at 4 minutes. I did notice a bit more sweetness coming through in the flavour though. Plus it went quite well with the leftover thai spring rolls the boyfriend-creature brought home for me. ~_^
I re-steeped the leaves from the last cup (adding a minute onto the previous steeping time) and found that the taste this time around is lighter and there’s also a curious hint of spice. Le gaspeth Could this be the elusive pepper flavour the tea gurus speaketh of???
I honestly have no idea, but if you squint and use your imagination I suppose the flavour might be considered peppery. shrugs Maybe I’m just crazy and this tea has finally driven me mad! ;)
My throat was feeling scratchy again today so I dug out this tea. I wonder if I might be slightly allergic to something in the air right now, or maybe I just need to catch up on my dusting and house cleaning (urgh).
This seems to be turning into my go-to tea for sore throats when I don’t want the sleep-inducing effect of the cherry bark that’s in Traditional Medicinal’s Throat Coat tea (which is awesome BTW and also has licorice root in it).
Eyes the level in the tin Damn we’re drinking this tea at an alarming rate, I guess it’s the tea’s own fault for being so incredibly delicious. ;)
The problem with getting down to the bottom of a bag of tea is that you get all the little bits that escape the strainer and they slosh around in the bottom of your cup and get stuck in your teeth.
BTW I think I finally found the only dried red current present in my entire supply.
I wanted the gentle energy boost yerba mate provides but I felt like I wanted something a bit more interesting than the normal nutty/vegetal flavours of the drink. All it took was a few crumbled leaves of dried mint and this cuppa has a nice refreshing kick to it. :)
That’s it. Gotta follow you now! Where do you find these teas?
Just couldn’t resist me, hmm? ;P
Heh, well to tell you the truth I bought this tea at a Winners/Homesense store which are a line of Canadian stores that sell ‘designer’ merchandise at a discount price. They have a cooking section that sometimes brings in odd and interesting teas that I probably wouldn’t be able to afford (because of shipping) if I bought then from the parent company.
The company that sells this tea is called Bag Ladies Tea and I think they might have their own online store. Maybe try Googling them?
ACK! My brother and his family live in Abbortsford. Now I know what to pester them about.
Thanks! My birthday is next week (arrgghh) so I thought I’d go for it and order a bunch. Hey, anything for Steepster. Found their website: http://bagladiestea.com/