1908 Tasting Notes
I iced the resteep of this tea a couple days ago and I’m drinking it with supper. The boyfriend-creature managed to nearly catch the pizza on fire in the oven and produced so much smoke we had to leave the doors open – in minus 10C weather. Cold as the house is now I need something cool and refreshing like this to wash the smoke out of my throat, otherwise I’ll be hacking my lungs out all night long.
Yeah, yeah, it’s sooo sugary-sweet and probably has a gazillion calories, but right now it’s warming up my insides quite well in the place of a (now broken) furnace.
The boyfriend and I are getting a new one installed on Friday, hopefully. Until then I’m just going to huddle as close to the portable electric heater as I can without burning myself. ;)
Just FYI, lugging heavy shopping bags around in bitterly-cold, windy weather when you don’t have a car, does not = ‘Fun’. This chai might not be particularly strong, but its mild spiciness warms me up quite pleasently and, when paired with a bar of Lindt Orange Dark Chocolate, makes a truly decadent snack. ;)
Yes, it’s the return of the Dark Tickle, Mwahahaha! I tried it with skim milk this time and what an amazing improvement it made! The berry flavour isn’t hughly strong, but it’s definitely threre. It’s not what I’d think of as the traditional tart berry flavour; this is sweeter, and almost floral in fact, and it has a creamy note brought out by the milk. This is how I’ll be drinking this tea for now on.
Daaaark Tiiiickle! Daaaaaaaaaarrrrrk Tiiiiiiiiiccccckle! ;P
Here’s their website: http://www.darktickle.com/
It looks so innocuous… <
I brewed up a pot of this for my boyfriend and I – he seems to take to rooibos more so than actual tea. Oh well, at least it’s a start.
I felt like something sweet so I added a dab of honey to mine, which brought out the chocolate flavour a little bit and pushed the mint to the back steat.
Ah Dragon Pearl Jasmine, how I’ve missed thee! This tea always tastes and smells so exotic and brings to mind forests of bamboo, paper lanterns, dragons, and hot wonton soup (okay so my vision of things oriental is fairly limited – sue me ^_~).
2nd steeping. Unfortunately this has basically morphed into starchy-tasting tea. Go fish, Adagio.
Ergh, I’d like to try it with milk maybe, and mess around with the steeping time a little more. But at the momment, no it’s not something I’d recc. :(