I get what they were going for here. I distinctly taste the chocolate covered honeycomb candy taste they set out to emulate. It was harder to taste when it was hot, but I notice more of the flavor come out as it cools and in the finish of each sip. The thing I’m noticing in the B&B teas are the flavors are weak and that is the same with this tea. If they could only turn the dial up on the flavor a bit, it would be so much more delightful.
I’m really enjoying the teas I ordered from Bird & Blend so far. They are definitely a bit more restrained in their flavoring than some other tea sellers, but I like that. You can’t please everyone though, unfortunately!
I’m really enjoying the teas I ordered from Bird & Blend so far. They are definitely a bit more restrained in their flavoring than some other tea sellers, but I like that. You can’t please everyone though, unfortunately!
It’s true. I’m learning pretty quickly that most of their teas are not for me. I need more than a hint of flavor and having to use my imagination to fill in the rest. Too bad I’m not still in Austin. It would make for an easy pass off of the B&B teas I’m not digging!