I was super excited to see Mariage Freres teas being sold near my hometown on a visit. I decided to buy one black and one green tea to get a feel for the brand since I had never had their teas before. This one smelled really nice and gingery so I decided to give it a go. I have to admit that I was less than thrilled with it the first time I tried it, but I have been giving it another go and found it much nicer this time. When it is hot, the ginger seems a bit harsh and dominating, but as it cools the ginger mellows out and I swear I tasted a carmel like note at one point. I’m now on my third steeping and the ginger is still going strong. It is hard for me to pick out the green tea base, but there is a second or two in the middle of each sip that I can taste it. As the cup cools even more to room temperature, I find the tea less enjoyable again. It seems there is a middle temperature window that I prefer for this one. I like this one, but I feel like I might have picked a different tea to purchase if I had tasted it first.
170 °F / 76 °C
2 min, 0 sec