558 Tasting Notes


This tea looks quite beautiful. The rooibos looks like standard red rooibos, the flower petals add such bright brilliant colors.

The aroma is quite like most rooibos I’ve tasted, with a little berry aroma (from the hibiscus I believe).

Right after steeping, this tea tasted very bland and plain. But after letting it cool a few degrees, it got sweeter and more berry flavored sip to sip. I really didn’t think I’d get much enjoyment out of this tea after the first few sips, but as it cooled it really impressed me.

I also found out after I brewed the tea that I should have doubled the steeping time, so I’m going to see what happens when I try it that way next time.

Thank you Lori for passing this tea on to me!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Well I am glad that you liked it….

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drank Thai Tea Blend by Teavana
558 tasting notes

This just did not have any flavor today. Blech! I still drank it though as I needed a little bit of caffeine boost. This may be a “pay it forward” I don’t think this tea is for me at all. Lightly sweet but not a strong enough tea base. Looking forward to the bottom of this cup.


I actually like this tea- it is just mildly sweet. BUT I havent had it in awhile- now I think I will re-try it…

Meghann M

I think I didn’t realize how much a part of the blend was Rooibos. Maybe I will consider that next time I try it, I forgot while I was drinking it and thought it was too bland, but for a rooibos blend it wasn’t bad.

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drank Sakurambo by Lupicia
558 tasting notes

Increasing the rating quite a bit as this is a quite pleasant iced tea. Using the wet leaves to cold brew the tea created a much pleasant flavor from the tea base, and made the bittersweet cherries much more pleasant on the tongue. The spoonful of sugar I added didn’t seem to hurt either! Glad I tried a steeping of this ice. Not sad to say the sample Ricky sent me is gone. I think I’d still like to try the green version of this tea.

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Backlogging from last night.

This is a very flavorful green tea. I tasted the cherry, lots of ripe fresh picked cherries, but didn’t taste much of the rose petal. There was a spice note in the aftertaste that I can’t quite place. I know my drinkware and brewing stuff was clean, so I assume it was coming from the leaves, but couldn’t quite put a finger on it. It may be that I’m mistaking the rose petal flavor, as I’ve never had rose petals in tea. I could swear it was spice though, similar to the spices found in citrus spice tea.

I’m curious to see if this shows up when I brew it iced. Enjoyed the tea, just was surprised by the flavors. Looking forward to my next cup.

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I did this with 4 heaping teaspoons to 2 quarts of water and the blend is much better. It comes out a bit more mellow and just a light salmon colored tea. So much better than the bitter purple infusion I had previously that I’ve got to push this up a few in ranking. Loving this iced today, no sweetner needed.

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drank Earl Grey Creme by Teavana
558 tasting notes

Knocking this down a few notches now that I’ve experienced a few other Earls of Grey. This is still good, and one I will enjoy, but I find it isn’t as smooth at blending the flavors together as Lupicia’s Earl Grey.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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Another sample tea sent by Ricky! Thanks for the opportunity to taste this tea. This tea smells sweet and intoxicating. I think it may need to be brewed closer to 2 minutes as I got a really strong not so pleasant cup at 3 minutes. I’m not a fan of cream, and that seems to be the main taste on my tongue, I’m getting a pleasant aftertaste of caramel though. I think I’m starting to see why others find adagio’s flavored teas aren’t the best. The base really isn’t to my liking in this one. I do like that it tastes more like a black tea with light flavor undertones. I didn’t need to add anything to this tea. Probably won’t reorder, but will enjoy the rest of my sample.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Haha, I feel the same way =]

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drank Sakurambo by Lupicia
558 tasting notes

I was a little shy to try this tea, as I’ve only ever thought of green teas and cherries. But alas, Ricky sent a sample of this my way, so try it I did.

The tea has a great strong aroma of freshly bitten cherries and strong tea. I think I may have steeped a little long at 3 minutes, or used a bit too much leaf, as it was one potent cherry chestnut colored brew.

The taste is very fresh, these cherries are definitely different than any I have had before. I don’t really enjoy the flavor as much as I enjoyed the scent. Very fresh almost floral/grassy notes overtook the cup.

I tried adding honey to see if it brought out any additional flavor, or toned down the floral note, but nothing improved. I’m sorry to say I threw out this cup. I may try the last few teaspoons as an iced brew, to see how that goes. Cold brewing may bring out a better taste.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec

I have this on my Lupicia’s want list. I have never had Lupicia or cherry sencha so I am so JEALOUS that you got to try it! :)


oh it’s black tea! Hmmm I don’t think i’d like that combo.

Meghann M

I have the green Sakurambo on my to try list with Lupica. I think it would do much better with a green tea base. Not quite blending right with the black tea base, but have the iced tea brewing in the fridge so I’ll report back on that later tonight.


Haha, I agree with you here as well! These aren’t ordinary cherries, apparently they are some bitter / sweet Japanese cherries.


I don’t like bitter, sweet yes bitter NO! :)

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Needed something minty but was looking for something a little stronger on the tea side, so I decided to try this (it won because it had the gunpowder). This smells minty and tastes a bit minty but I think I over steeped it as it is quite a dark, almost amber, liquor, dark at least for a green based tea. I don’t think I’ll try a second steep of this one. Although maybe I will…maybe it will lose some of the POW BAM strength and sweeten up a tad. I’ll stick with vanilla mint.

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 15 sec

Love the vanilla mint!

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A sample of this came with the RoT catalog in the mail today. It’s a light cuppa green tea. I can taste the honey and smell the honey but not getting any ginseng. They sell this at work, so maybe I’ll try it sometime with two bags and see if I get a better cuppa. Not a bad tea, but not tasting much from it.

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Live in the cornfields of IL, but not too far from the city. Expecting a baby any day now (due Oct 24 2011). Sticking to mainly herbal and low caffeine teas for now. Trying to encourage my husbands tea drinking, but he adds so much sweetner he may as well just drink diet pop. I love trying new teas, and will try any tea once.



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