Just when I think I won’t taste another Keemun that I could love as much as those who have already stolen my heart, here comes another one. The dry leaf of Teavivre’s Superfine Keemun Mao Feng is wiry little black leaves that smell of dried fruit and light earthiness. After a 4 minutes steep, the liquid is a beautiful amber color and smells of molasses and moss….and it gets better!!! The taste of this tea is much like the leaves…delicate, balanced and completely captivating. It is breathtakingly aromatic, with gentle notes of forest moss, sweetness of dried fruit and molasses and a touch of light toasty grain to round the flavor profile out. This tea is smooth, fragrant, and not to be missed!
Flavors: Grain, Molasses, Moss, Peach, Stonefruit, Toasty
A beautiful description!
a beautiful tea!
Understood, inspiration “is included at no extra charge.”
WANT! I need to get some of this!
Terri, I’m actually ordering tomorrow because of this sample!