Continuing to go through all the amazing teas that ifjuly so generously sent me.
I took this one to work today. Not sure what I expected (I hadn’t even looked it up) and was a little surprised at how smokey it was. Smoke is ok, doesn’t bother me – just wasn’t expecting it. This was deep, malty with some subtle chocolate notes, the smoke, and a touch of astringency.
I liked it, still have enough for a couple more cups – will continue to enjoy it. Not sure I would buy a tin, but it’s a nice blend. Really glad to have gotten to try it.
It’s so weird, everyone’s logs for this mention the upfront smokiness and instead of that I get a sweet vanilla-y thing. o_O Taste buds are funny things!
LOL vanilla? really? Nope would never had said that – but I agree, it’s fun to see all the difference of opinions.
It’s so weird, everyone’s logs for this mention the upfront smokiness and instead of that I get a sweet vanilla-y thing. o_O Taste buds are funny things!
LOL vanilla? really? Nope would never had said that – but I agree, it’s fun to see all the difference of opinions.
I’ve noticed keemun in general gets described by most as smoky and most of the time to me it tastes/smells sweet, like vanilla and/or chocolate, instead. And IIRC this has a bunch of keemun in it, so!