Yup, I still don’t like this one – I had it this morning with my eggs – I don’t like the sweetener they use, if they took out the stevia, is it, maybe? I feel like I would like it a whole lot better. Maybe it’s sucralose? Whatever it is, I’m definitely not a fan, it has an aftertaste that lingers. Bummer. I love Red Rose black teas, though – not a diss against the whole line! Don’t get me wrong!
Thanks for the review! And I just looked it up. According to their website they use Stevia (Reb A). For the life of me I don’t understand why they use Reb A verses the less bitter Reb M or Reb D extracts from Stevia. It’s a bit more expensive but why they’d introduce a bitter agent to a tea is beyond me. Or just leave it unsweetened and give us the option to sweeeten it on our own.
Thanks for the review! And I just looked it up. According to their website they use Stevia (Reb A). For the life of me I don’t understand why they use Reb A verses the less bitter Reb M or Reb D extracts from Stevia. It’s a bit more expensive but why they’d introduce a bitter agent to a tea is beyond me. Or just leave it unsweetened and give us the option to sweeeten it on our own.