Well, this is still an abomination of a chimera tea – but slightly more tolerable than I remember, so bumping up the rating from 35 to 45. Should probably bump it up higher tbh because I’m ok with resteeping and finishing the sample off. Less leaf is more with this one.
I still have this compulsion to dip my tea into aioli sauce, and this makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
Tastes like savoury smoked plantains slathered in truffle and olive oil. I can also taste the blackberry leaf and vanilla, which I think is supposed to fill out the banana note to a sweet caramelized point but just plays havoc with my sanity.
More palatable with oat milk. Maybe?
Steep Count: 2
Flavors: Blackberry, Meat, Mushrooms, Olive Oil, Smoke, Umami, Vanilla
Somewhere I have a sample of this scary tea that a tea friend was kind enough to share. Hopefully, by the time this sample reveals itself, it will have mellowed into something vaguely pleasant. What were the creators thinking?!
Yeah, I don’t know how or why they came up with this. It’s definitely not boring, so it has that going for it…
That’s because I believe there is a wonderful banana tea hidden somewhere, behind the truffle and olive oil. That, and my first note from four years ago was.. full of theatrics. This tea also always makes me laugh, no matter how stressed or upset I was prior to steeping up a cup; it’s like mental bleach (scented with smoked truffles and bananas).
Somewhere I have a sample of this scary tea that a tea friend was kind enough to share. Hopefully, by the time this sample reveals itself, it will have mellowed into something vaguely pleasant. What were the creators thinking?!
Yeah, I don’t know how or why they came up with this. It’s definitely not boring, so it has that going for it…
Hehehe, well, there’s that. Your note is likely the kindest one on this tea.
That’s because I believe there is a wonderful banana tea hidden somewhere, behind the truffle and olive oil. That, and my first note from four years ago was.. full of theatrics. This tea also always makes me laugh, no matter how stressed or upset I was prior to steeping up a cup; it’s like mental bleach (scented with smoked truffles and bananas).
Hahahaha. Thank you for leaving a bit more uplifted than I was when your note had found me.
Four years already?