150 Tasting Notes
I received a sample of The Skinny with my last David’s Tea order. Wait! Is David calling me fat?! In my defense, I’m wearing my laundry day sweat pants and they’re not the most flattering pair I own. David’s opinion of me aside, I’m always grateful to receive complimentary samples with my tea orders.
I’ve recently fallen deeply in love with oolong teas, so I was very excited to try this one. The Skinny has a very strong herbal scent dry. At first sip… yeah, this tea isn’t for me. I don’t know if it’s the ginger, the pu’erh, or the extreamly woodsy flavor but I don’t think I can finish the cup. Hopefully, what I was able to drink will help to cancel out the English muffin with extra preserves I ate for breakfast.
Okay, this is a weird but super good tea. I had to try this one despite the somewhat lukewarm reviews because I LOVE root beer. To be fair, the consensus seemed to be that Root Beer Float was a delicious tea that was a bit odd to drink warm. Solution… drink it iced. It’s so hot outside today and drinking a hot tea just seems unthinkable anyway.
I cold steeped this beauty overnight and this morning I had rich, delicious root beer tea. Creamy, sweet, wonderful root beer flavor through and through. Very good!
DaisyChubb, I highly recommend this tea! It really does taste exactly like root beer :)
Taryn, you’re getting a sample of this one :)
I will have to cold brew this one. I love root beer but I didn’t love this. It was strange to me. I will try again.
I have the adorable Taryn to thank for sending me a this yummy tea. I cold steeped this lovely for two hours and it made for a very refreshing treat. This tea smells like sweet, ripe mangos dry. At first sip, I get a wonderful mango flavor that moves into a clean white tea with citrus tones. The finish is sweet and fruity. I’ve had some bad luck with bitter white teas lately, but I’m happy to report that this white is not the slightest bit bitter when cold steeped.
This morning I decided to splurge and have a proper fry-up for breakfast. Well, proper sans the bangers, fried eggs, bacon, and butter. A little grape seed oil, tomatoes, mushrooms, and beans on toast is still a respectable fry-up in my book. Ooooh, it really hit the spot and it gave me the perfect opportunity to give Queen Catherine another go.
The last time I tried Queen Catherine I experienced an overwhelming and inexplicable rose flavor that didn’t seem right. Well, I’m pleased to report that my rose hallucinations have passed and the Queen is good! Very, very, very good indeed! At first sip, there’s a malt flavor that progresses into a strong almost coffee like black tea body. The finish is rich and chocolatey. I love this tea!
A big thank you hug to the wonderful QuiltGuppy for sending me such a generous sample of this amazing tea. If I hadn’t had enough to give the Queen a second try, I wouldn’t have known how wonderful this tea truly is. I’m defiantly buying this one!
Am I really the first person to review this gem? I have a long day of creative mischief planned in my workshop (read as my corner of the garage where I ruin perfectly good materials with hammers and dremel tool attachments). So, I made a huge pitcher of Lemon-Lime Cheesecake Honeybush to stay hydrated because it is HOT today!
I first tried this tea hot a few nights ago. At first sip, the tang of lemon comes right through. It’s a very pleasant tang with no bite or bitterness. The lemon flavor moves into a rich, creamy body, and the finish has a nice lime kick. Lime can be a tricky flavor component for me to enjoy, but Frank got it right. Cold steeped, this tea is citrusy and refreshing! Hopefully this delicious honeybush will keep me hydrated on this sweltering day.
I wanted to order this but realized I had many similar in terms of ingredients so I passed. I hope I didn’t make a mistake? However, if I did I suppose I would have to live with it.
LiberTEAS, doooo It! I’ve been forgetting about teas that I’ve orderd, and when I find them in my cupboard it’s so exciting. Who knew that loosing your mind could be so much fun :)
Rachel, live with it? LIVE WITH IT? Never! I know a lady who will happily send you some.
Count me in. My brain is like the missing sock from a pair. :) Gone forever with no explanation because I was sure they both made it into the dryer.
Jenn – You are too sweet and too funny. I could not in good conscious refuse such an offer. Thank you! :)
I’m celebrating today. I know that it’s not attractive to be too self-satisfied, but today I’m enjoying a victory. I have a neighbor who leaves his poor dog outside day and night, and it cries constantly for want of care and attention. The weather has been so hot lately and I’ve been very worried about the pup. I give him water and food when he runs out, and despite my talking with the owner, nothing has changed. Just when I thought that call calling the Humane Society may be the only option to help this dog, I called my homeowner’s association first. It turns out that my neighbor is in violation of several of the association’s rules! I received a call from the association president today letting me know that my neighbor has been fined, and that another neighbor has adopted the dog. He has a good home now!!!!! I’m so happy.
I’m celebrating with Midsummer’s Peach iced! Wow, this is a tasty tea that gets even better cold steeped. I’m even going to up my rating because it’s that good. I still taste something a bit floral in it, but it’s not bothering me a bit. Today’s a good day!
nuthin wrong with that, I’d be worried for the poor dog myself. We have a similar situation with my neighbour, only the poor dog just gets let out into the backyard where he whines for attn. We’ve never seen them walk that dog, in 5 yrs! but they have two autistic kids and another one to boot. Don’t get me started on the ways they milk the sympathy. Not that it’s easy, but you shouldn’t get special privileges to build a deck violating a dozen code violations bc of it! and they emptied their pool into our yard. OK now I’m rambling. Still, poor dog to be with those ppl… *sighs
Indigobloom, you’re not rambling and I totally get it. I don’t know why people can’t be basically decent. Nothing extraordinary.. just don’t be cruel and be respectful of others. Easy!
I know right?! they think they’re getting ahead, making it easier to get what they want but karma has funny ways of circling around. Grrrr, some people
Hooray for the doggie! We have Sandy’s dogs for the year, and youngest works for a neighbor who is soo conscientious that he PAYS her to go check on his dog every day while he is at work, even though I told him she would happily go play with her and let her out. But one HUGE doggie doesn’t have it so well, and there was a while that if my girls hadn’t carried water over there, it would have had none…in 95 and up heat.
Oh no, I’m disapointed! This doesn’t happen very often with David’s Teas. All I can figure is that I must have done something wrong in the brewing process. What I ended up with was a weak tea that tasted slightly bitter. Not at all what I wanted or expected. Boo!
I’m going to try brewing ithis tea again before I rate it. Now, to figure out what the heck I did to ruin this by all accounts great tea. Hmmmm…
Indigobloom, I infused it for 3 min. which was 1 min. less than the instructions on the package indicated. Should I cut the steep time more? I have high hopes for brew II :)
Taryn, I thought I’d LOVE this one. I guess I can’t love them all… but I’ll try.
Hmm, I’ve heard that thirty seconds is best, but never tried it that way. this is one of my faves, so I hope you end up liking it to!!
Why am I so mad at Teavana lately? Is it because I have to steel myself for a hard sell before I walk through the door? I feel like such a jerk because I have to shut the persistant sales associates down when they try to sell me over-sized tins and pounds of tea at a time. It’s unfortunate because I love to learn about new teas, but I feel almost afraid to ask any questions lest I be subjected to a long sales pitch.
My most recent visit was particularly edgy because I had misread a forum thread, and I was convinced that the Tevanaites were adding sugar to the dry tea they sell. My husband said I had a crazy look in my eye and I believe it. I was going confront those tea posers about ruining pefectly good tea. Well, it turns out that they add sugar to their tea samples but not the actual dry tea you buy. I’m glad to know this because I really do enjoy a few of Teavava’s teas, and I was ready to write them off with my sugar misunderstanding.
I’m pleased that I purchased both Youthberry and Wild Orange Blossom. This white tea and herbal combo make a fantastically refreshing iced tea. Yes, it’s a super fruity tea but I make no bones about loving fruity teas. It’s hot like the surface of the sun in these parts, so a refreshing iced tea really hits the spot.
I recently placed an order online (first and possibly last) and they sent a free sample of these two dry teas blended with their rock sugar. I don’t think they sell the tea that way, but it is not just the samples in store. It is occasionally in the free samples they send with web orders, too. I still have the sample unopened, because I am not sure how I feel about brewing with the sugar in there from the start.
I agree with you on the feeling that you have to steel yourself just to go in. I hate shopping to begin with. Just the possibility of uncomfortable shopping keeps me away.
Taryn, you’re right. I’ve worked retail before as well, and certain companies defiantly do push the hard sell. It’s just so off-putting, and I do wish that HQ would realize that return customers are the foundation of any good business and alienated customers will take their business elsewhere. David’s Tea needs to open shop state-side :)
Jen, they really love that f’n German rock sugar don’t they?! I just placed an order online order for an iced tea steeping pitcher, and a 1oz tea sample with rock sugar was listed on my order confirmation. I at least appreciate that they were completely upfront about adding sugar to the sample they were sending. AND hey, why don’t they ever offer take home samples when you make a purchase in store??? I’d like my sample sans sugar of course :)
I hate shopping as well. If Teavana weren’t right next to Sur La Table… I’d probably never go in. Ahhh, the power of tea madness!
My Sur La Table is next to Anthropologie and Trader Joe’s, with Penzey’s Spices just around the corner. Heaven.
Teavana, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, A Southern Season, Williams-Sonoma, all are more than an hour away for me…nearly two hours for some of them! Fortunately, we go that way pretty often, sometimes for hubby’s work, sometimes taking our kids to the airport. Wish we had more like that really close to us.
Jen, Oh the trouble I get into at Anthropologie! For someone who hates to shop, I sure love that place. Penzey’s Spices sounds like a dangerous place for me too.
ashmanra, maybe the distance is a blessing in disguise :) Although, it is good to have a Trader Joes and Whole Foods close by.
We don’t have an Anthropologie, but hubby had a business trip and was near one and brought me the cutest milk glasses! You are right, the distance is a blessing! I would be broke all the time! We take a cooler of ice sometimes to bring special groceries home in. I did finally realize that our local more upscale than the rest grocery store had a lot of the same items and I was just unwilling to pay their price for it, whereas when I am out of town it seems like a treat and I buy it. So now I just buy one or two special cheeses or something locally instead of going wild when we go out of town.
When a fellow Steepster is moved to poetry by a tea, I take notice. The lovely Ms. JacquelineM wrote a moving ode to Golden Snail that convinced me that I must try it. Oh my, am I ever glad that I ordered this brilliant tea!
Backlogging… I tried my first cup of Golden Snail one beautiful Sunday morning on my beloved terrace. A picture perfect Sunday morning when the weather is warm with a cool breeze, the petunias are particularly red, wind chimes tinkle in the background, and the soft scent of jasmine wafts through the air. What could complete this picture of decadent relaxation better than a cup of Golden Snail? Curled up in my overstuffed chair, the soft, chocolatly flavor washes over me and feel completely at peace. Life is good.
When I saw that the 4oz tin of Golden Snail was availible just over a week ago, I snapped it right up! I’m happy to share if you’d like some to hold you over :)
It came back? I didn’t know or I would have order! That is okay, I will check on it again. There is also a new China black posted, but it is price-y. That won’t stop me, though! LOL!
My Harney & Sons order arrived on Saturday!!!! I find it hard to log on over the weekend, so I’m backlogging a bit today.
This is a simply lovely dessert tea! I had a few friends over for dinner on Saturday night, and one of them is let’s say “particular”. This is “particular” friend is my plain green tea drinker. Always plain green tea after supper, no exceptions! Well, much to my delight she was willing to give Vanilla Comoro a try after I forced her to smmmeeeelll it. Who could resist this amazing tea after they’ve inhaled it’s vanilla goodness???
The vanilla aroma of this tea dry is just like a hug from an old friend. At first sip, this tea is creamy vanilla deliciousness. The body is a smooth, high quality black tea that has all of the flavor of fully caffeinated black tea without the worry of being up all night. The finish is warm, lovely, rich vanilla. Aaahhhh, so wonderful!
I don’t mind the taste of The Skinny but I like it much better when I add in some Pink Flamingo or another tea I like, normally an herbal. You might want to try this.