150 Tasting Notes

drank Blackberry Mojito by Teavana
150 tasting notes

This tea is delicious iced! The berry flavor isn’t quite as strong as I’d like, but that may change after the tea has had a chance to steep overnight. I love the refreshing green tea and bright minty finish. I may need to take Meghann M’s suggestion and try it with a spot of rum :) Very tasty indeed.

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drank Maracuya Passion by Teavana
150 tasting notes

I have no recollection of buying this tea. I was afraid that it may be OOOld, but the tea is still very fragrant, colorful, and flavorful. So, yay for found tea!

This tea has a very strong tropical fruit aroma dry, but the flavor is far more delicate than the aroma would indicate. The papaya flavor is very natural and there’s a lovely sweetness to the body. The finish is clean without the odd aftertaste that tropical fruit teas can sometimes have. Is it just me, or does artificial tropical fruit flavoring sometimes taste like the smell of BO? Especially guava! Eeewww… Rest assured this tea has a delicious natural flavor, and I’ll defiantly be going for a second steep.


I don’t know if it’s a result of artificial flavoring… even fresh papaya often tastes like feet to me. It’s a tricky fruit to get at just the right ripeness.


You make a good point. My husband’s grandfather has sent guavas home with us, and we’ve had to pull the car over and put the fruit in the trunk because of the smell. I’d forgotten all about that. Yuck!


I totally concur!! Guavas and papayas do smell like BO! :) Papayas especially—they kind of have this vomitous aroma. But they taste good—so weird.


I’m not a fan of Papaya either. It tastes very chemical-ish to me. Have you ever had a Durian fruit? those are the WORST smelling fruit. I thought it was smelly fish until someone told me it was a fruit!


Indigobloom, I have a friend who has tried to convince me that durian fruit actually tastes good. Nope! I guess if you grow up eating it… na, still gross.


Stephanie, papayas and guavas do smell awful at times but I still like the flavor of them when they’re ripe. I confuse myself…

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This will be short and because I may fall asleep while I write. This tea is a bit minty with a soothing herbal flavor. It’s naturally sweet and the perfect before bed cuppa. The valerian root is a really nice calming touch.

I made a cup of this tea for my hubby because he had a rough day. He loved it and he’s yawning away now. I didn’t tell him about valerian in it because he gets fussy about certain herbs… that’s not wrong, right? It’s not the same as mashing up Prozac in his pudding, or is it? Well, ethical dilemma aside, my sweetie will get a good night’s sleep :)


ugh my Mum is the same. I told her about the Valerian in one of my teas and she started warning me against it every time she saw me with it in hand. Apparently we have a family member who had heart problems because of it, back in the 1940s! Literally.
Sleep tight!


Your Mum has quite the memory! My husband read an artical about how the excessive, the key word is excessive, use of herbs like valerian can lead to liver damage. Duh! Consuming a small amount every now and then won’t hurt ;) cue evil laugh Muahahahaha…


lol I’m a bit of a hypochondriac so stuff like that can freak me out to… but I don’t like the way it tastes so I don’t mind this time haha
so heart AND liver damage huh. I guess I should have no more than five cups a day :P


We occasionally keep a bottle of valerian capsules in the medicine cabinet. Sometimes the need to sleep outweighs anything else. They smell really bad. My husband named them the cat-butt root because of the smell. So anytime I make him tea with valerian, I tell him it has cat-butt root in it.

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drank Coco Chai Rooibos by DAVIDsTEA
150 tasting notes

I enjoyed this wonderful tea last night after an unexpected treck to San Diego. It’s only about a two hour drive from where I live, and the ocean was particularly blue and beautiful yesterday. We arrived back home fairly late, and I need a nice, caffeine-free, desserty tea to wind down for bed.

Coco Chai Rooibos is a spicy but surprisingly smooth chai. I steeped this beauty in coconut milk for one of the most outstanding chai lattes I’ve ever had! The chocolate flavor isn’t overly strong and it pairs so well with the chai spices. Yum!


omg! i only want to taste this, because you added coconut milk- sounds mouthwatering

Daisy Chubb

I’m thinking the exact same thing… coconut milk o_o heaven.


I defiantly recommend trying it! Yum :)

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drank Jungle Ju Ju by DAVIDsTEA
150 tasting notes

I tried this tea on Saturday because I had a very busy family dense day ahead of me. I was exhausted from staying up far too late on Friday having fun, and I desperately needed an energy packed treat to convince me that faking sick wasn’t an adult solution to getting out of forced social situation. POW, Jungle Ju Ju did the trick!

This tea is brilliant! Super fruity and full of energy promoting herbs. Jungle Ju Ju helped me get dressed and be a generally civil human being for most of the day. I crashed at about 6:00 pm but that’s not this wonderful tea’s fault. It’s a delicious cuppa not a controlled substance ;)

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drank Forever Nuts by DAVIDsTEA
150 tasting notes

Where has Forever Nuts been all of my life? I’ve read a few reviews that complain about this it not even being a proper tea. Well, that’s true because it’s a tisane. This doesn’t bother me in the sightest because I have room in my heart for everything from black tea, to oolong, to honeybush, and beyond.

I love this yummy cup of warmth for what it is, a sweet, delicious, caffeine free treat. Forever nuts smells and tastes like candied almonds! I don’t taste marzipan, and I think that may be what some people are looking for when they see almond featured as a predominate flavor. Candied almonds are a favorite treat of mine, so I’m happy and Forever Nuts is a keeper. Yum!

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drank Dan Cong by thepuriTea
150 tasting notes

My Breville tea maker finally arrived last night! This morning, I decided that the perfect tea to christen my beloved happiness maker with was Dan Cong. How wonderful is it that I can now brew a beautiful oolong exactly right. It really is so exciting!

What a treat! Dan Cong is simply gorgeous. I’m finding it hard to separate all of the flavors in this tea. I get a floral, fruity, roasted, and a slightly nutty taste. It’s as if these flavors rush in almost all at once, swirl around my taste buds, and then melt away. I’m just enjoying the experience.

A big thank you to the wonderful QuiltGuppy for sharing this amazing tea with me. I feel so fortunate today :)


Sounds …. DEEEEEELish!


Double yay! I love this tea (I bought a pound of it!) and I love the Breville! I hope you enjoy yours, too…


I love the look of this tea dry, and I agree, it is very good. I also have QG to thank like you. Her influence is far reaching!


Jenn – You inspired me to have DC this morning… (it didn’t take much prodding.)


I picked up my napkin at dinner and somehow it smelled like flowers and coconut, very light. I don’t know why, either. But it made me want Dan Cong! Thanks to QG, I had a generous sample and was able to have some more.

Michelle Butler Hallett

Isn’t the Breville wonderful? The basket feature rocks.


MBH, the tea basket and temperature control were THE selling points for me. I love it :)


Have you tried it with the basket cycle button pushed? It’ll move the basket up and down, but really only works best when you have a full pot of tea. (Nice for steeping a strong black for kombucha!) :)


Do you think kombucha would work with Dan Cong?


1.) I had no idea that such a basket function existed! I hate reading instruction manuals, so the quick start guide was as far as I’ve read.

2.) You scare me. Why do you want to use such “good” teas for the booch?? The tea miser in me doesn’t want you to waste any Dan Cong, BUT technically, an oolong should work perfectly for the brew. Do you own a cheapo oolong to experiment with?

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I read one review of this tea that described it as “too raisniny”. What the what?! Who eats cinnamon raisin toast and wishes there were fewer fat, juicy, delicious raisins? That is just crazy talk!

I’m really enjoying this tea. The aroma of this tea dry is intoxicating! At first sip I taste sweet toasted raisins. That flavor moves to a warm cinnamon, and then an almost bready smooth black tea body. There’s an ever so slight sweet cinnamon finish. This is the perfect breakfast tea!

Thank you to Wifey_Woman (Little Mew Brew) and 52teas for bringing this tea back. I’m so glad that I had an opportunity to try it :)


Mental note, don’t send any of this tea in Taryn’s package :) AND you’re nuts because raisins are awesome. The End.

If we’re thinking of the same coconut-lime tea, that one was just icky. I like lime just fine, but that tea had a bitter rind taste with little to no coconutty goodness. Gross!

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drank Butter Pecan Black Tea by 52teas
150 tasting notes

Yay! My order from Ms. Rachel at IHeartTeas arrived today!!!! I had a very late night last night and this delicious Butter Pecan black tea is the perfect afternoon pick-me-up.

Butter Pecan is one of my all time favorite ice cream flavors. One whiff of this tea straight out if the bag makes me weak in the knees! At first sip the black tea was a little overpowering, but after I let the tea cool a bit the butter pecan flavor really developed. I added a little raw sugar and a splash of almond milk and WOW what a treat.

I’m so glad that I had a chance to try this delectable tea! Thank you Rachel for brining this one back :)

Southern Boy Teas

Adding that to our marketing information: Our teas will make you weak in the knees.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

So happy you enjoyed this and for safety reasons please prepare and drink this tea sitting down. Wouldn’t want you losing your balance and hurting yourself.


Hehehe, safety first :)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

@Taryn No pressure or anything but I do have some left on www.iHeartTeas.com please ignore me if not interested. :-)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

LOL :-) I’ve got your order. It will be shipped out today or tomorrow worst case scenerio. Thanks :-)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Of course you are most welcome @Taryn

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I have to agree with DMTea. This tea tastes like straight roobois to me. I do detect a slight aftertaste of some sort, but I’d be hard pressed to say if it were raspberry, citrus, or whatever else. I’m a very loyal David’s Teas drinker, so I’ll just say that this tea isn’t for me… which is too bad seeing as I have an entire pitcher of it in the refrigerator. If anyone wants the remainder of of the bag, please let me know and I’ll gladly send it to you.


I’m the same way, Taryn. I adore raspberries and have yet to find a tea that lives up to that taste. Most raspberry teas contain hibiscus, which ruins it for me :(

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I’m an animal loving vegan foodie, and a card carrying tea fanatic! Didn’t you get your card?

I typically drink my black tea with a splash of almond or coconut cream and a dash of turbinado sugar or stevia. My green teas I typically drink straight, and the same goes for most of my other teas with an occasional exception. I live on the edge!

Please check out my website Cookin’ Vegan at www.cookinvegan.com if you’re hungry.

I’m also a bit of a knitwit. I have an Etsy shop where I sell pretty little knitted and knitting accessories called Baubles 4 Knitwits at www.Baubles4Knitwits.etsy.com.

Find me on the Twitter @cookinvegan http://twitter.com/#!/cookinvegan

But enough about me…


Los Angeles Area



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