Thanks cteresa for sending this one my way.
There is certainly that signature rooibos medicinal taste here, but it’s not the worst I’ve had. The baked apple I’m getting as well. I’m not so sure about the toffee, though there is a subtle sweetness to it that could be the toffee? Overall a smooth tea, even with that rooibos taste!
I’m glad I got the chance to try this one out :)
Glad ypu found it interesting! I admit I am a rooibos lover ;) Though I am also a rooibos snob, a lot of rooibos bases, particularly cheaper brands (unless it´s south african cheap brands! LOL) are pretty bad – this rooibos base is pretty smooth IMO, but still rooibos for sure. Toffee, yes, I think it is literally tiny cubes of toffee which are supposed to melt – try to stir it once or twice when brewing and later when drinking for extra effect (and so the toffee does not end all at the bottom of the pot or cup!)
Glad ypu found it interesting! I admit I am a rooibos lover ;) Though I am also a rooibos snob, a lot of rooibos bases, particularly cheaper brands (unless it´s south african cheap brands! LOL) are pretty bad – this rooibos base is pretty smooth IMO, but still rooibos for sure. Toffee, yes, I think it is literally tiny cubes of toffee which are supposed to melt – try to stir it once or twice when brewing and later when drinking for extra effect (and so the toffee does not end all at the bottom of the pot or cup!)