865 Tasting Notes
Paired this w/ a Healthy Choice Pineapple Chicken tv dinner. Went well, but there was a bit too much fruityness going on in the meal and I think a cucumber tea would have been a better choice. Surprisingly it has just as much juicyness hot as cold.
I normally wouldn’t pair a fruity tea w/ a meal, but I had some left over tzatziki sauce from the Greek chicken we had for supper the other night so I had it w/ some fish sticks and served a 16oz glass of this w/ it.
Cucumber in the tzatziki echos the pickle in tartar sauce- bingo.
The melon (of course) pairs beautifully w/ the cucumber and comes across just as wonderful as it did when it was paired w/ cucumber for Frank’s Cucumber Melon Green Tea. I normally don’t get “juicy” from a tea like a lot of others do, but this is juicy. I had this cold so I think that added to the ease of me finding that quality.
Hey, Frank… what about a tzatziki tea?
Remember when I said that I thought this tisane would be GREAT for flavoring matcha? I was right. 1tsp of matcha whisked into 8oz of the tisane. The lemon is evident, but doesn’t over power the matcha. There’s no typical lemony “bite” so a bit of ginger would do this good. Without it, it’s more of a lemon hard candy flavor. I don’t drink tisanes by themselves… BUT I do love flavoring my matcha with tisanes (so I don’t add more caffeine). So I’m gonna take this one and buy another pouch for my friend… UGH… FRANK! =D
Bought this for my pregnant friend, but I want to experiment a bit first. Was totally expecting not having much to say other than “Yep. Lemony. Tart.” since this is a tisane of just lemony things, but I was pleasantly surprised. There’s a honey sweetness in both the aroma and the flavor and the mouth feel is even thick. Wouldn’t drink this plain, but would definitely be good mixed w/ a true tea, used for lemon aid, or to make a lemony matcha.
Mom picked up some fresh naan bread from Walmart last night… really wanted to use it for an Indian taco, but we had no hamburger made. Plan B was an Indian pizza. Spinach Artichoke Hummus as the “sauce”, pepper jack cheese, and banana peppers. Really could have used a bit of their black tea dust, but oh well. Once I got that figured out I was briefly at a loss as to what to pair it w/. I don’t have any unflavored black teas (because I don’t like them… I don’t like chai w/ milk served w/ a meal… and I didn’t want something thick like Tipu’s Instant Chai. So that left neat chai and I decided to go w/ this. It’s a wonderful and smooth blend that goes perfectly w/ a meal. If you have it on hand, just a pinch of lapsang souchong would be a nice touch. GREAT MEAL!
My review is a lot like LiberTEAS’ in some ways. Never had Guayusa either. I have had yerba mate though and I agree w/ her that this has a lot of similar qualities. Not sure if I even prepared this currectly because there were no steeping parameters on the package. Eh. It’s ok. Waiting to rate it til I find out what Guayusa is supposed to taste like.
Holy crap. 6 pouches of tea from Frank came yesterday (didn’t get the mail in til this morning). And I still have one more coming! Luckily 1 is for a friend… wait. Who am I kidding? 6 pouches is not much better than 7 lol.
I was so excited when Frank made a 3rd of my ideas come to fruition even though I was thinking using a Chinese sencha for a flavored and Chinese ode to gen mai cha. But I can definitely see this as a black tea so it’s all good.
When I open the package I can definitely tell there are at least 2 different black teas in the base. I just wish I knew what the were. But it smells… almost fruity?
Based on the steeping parameters I would have thought this would have been darker than dark, but it’s almost caramely… it even has that milky quality to it. The taste is oddly caramely too… I’m not going to rate this til I figure out what went wrong. I do know the base needs a bit of lapsang souchong and it needs salt. Several of Frank’s teas need salt. I wish he’d put it in for us.
Ya know the saying “most good things in life are illegal”? Well this should be.
1 cup warm milk
1 packet Christmas VIA
1 tsp chai
1 tsp cocoa powder
1 tsp rum extract
1 TB spiced rum creamer
1 TB marshmallow mocha creamer
YUMMMMM! Rich. Creamy. Sweet. A bit savory. Spicy. There’s so much going on here that even a coffee hater would love this. The VIA just adds depth and character, not a lot of coffee flavor. The large amount of chocolate and rum flavor also cut the spice. Perfect.
It’s funny… as much as I can’t stand matcha lattes, I love matcha peppermint hot chocolate just as much. I decided to give it an extra Christmas twist by using a candy cane instead of dried peppermint. 1 cup of heated milk, 1 candy cane, 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 tsp matcha. I also added 1TB of marshmallow mocha creamer for extra sweetness. Yummm! I did the “dump and stir” method today, but it works better if you heat the milk over the stove, melt the candy cane in, mix in the cocoa powder, then add the matcha. This way it can be over the heat as long as possible before adding the matcha giving you the hottest, most well mixed, beverage possible. If using dried peppermint, steep it in the milk first before adding the cocoa powder and matcha.
I can barely stand waiting for this to arrive now…Yum!
I was considering buying this when I make my next order. Guess I wll be now.